There is a sizable portion of the population that likes noise.
I have been at this for close to 30 years. Jet Skiing, dirt biking, snowmobiles. I've even spent time in court defending my right to run my snowblower at 5 in the morning. There is ONE common theme to it all. MOST people do not like noise. MOST people do not go into the woods to hear NOISE. MOST people will vote to limit noise. MOST municipalities have noise abatement laws. MOST motorised competions agencies have noise regulations. NASCAR AMA/FIM. you name it they all have delt with the noise issue and compromised.
This needs to be a give and take situation. I will ask the question again, what are the skiers going to give us for making a change in our behavior/equipment? If you honestly believe it will make any difference then we have to agree to disagree. I have been dealing with these folks for years. My good friend in Silverton for almost 10 years now. No matter what we give, they just want more. I am all for it if there is a net gain to sledders. The point you miss is that it wont make one iota of difference. They still want us gone, period.
In a perfect world I would agree. HOWEVER, historically, the best we can hope for is maintaining the status quo. Like it or not, the non sledders/dirbikers/atv riders...etc out number us by a wide margin. We have to be careful not to push too many people to the greenies side.
You are correct in saying that they want us gone. As others have said, why give ammo and load the guns of those trying to shoot us?
They have clearly been successful in your case. Divide and concour, it has worked for them for years, still seems to have a foothold because you allow it.
I also think this is way overblown. Maybe it is a lot worse where you are but here I can only think of ONE seld out of hundreds I consider too loud, a CMX with twin stingers.
An opinion you share with very few others on this site.
They want you to think it is ammo against us. Until we break the law, it isn't ammo, just whining. Whining gets you nowhere.
Whining has gained the greenies huge closures.
Like I mentioned, I will be quizzing the CSA big wigs tomorrow on this very issue. I will also ask the land mangers present at the meeting what their thoughts are. I will definately come back with what I learn.
The point that the land managers are the target group is dead on. The skiers in my area have made a huge fuss to no avail. We worked with the forest managers and have managed to retain (but not reclaim)open land. I suspect there is truth to the notion that agreeing to quieter machines in respect of other users will gain traction with the land managers. I am guessing that is why the CSA is moving forward with it. Good strategy, I just would like some assurances that it will benefit sledders in the end. So far what I read here are knee jerk reactions that are not fact or result based. I maintain that they hate us loud or quiet. Being quiet isn't going to change a thing. Show me I have something tangible to gain and I will be on board. I don't see anything like that happening, just lots of armchair quarterbacking.