Do you even take the time to re-read the stuff you write? Or is it just some form of mental diarrhea. You stated that the changes in Lake City took work and we will get Ouray on board next.
You read into that statement that I did the work in Lake City? "WE", the folks in Ouray, with myself as part of a group "WILL" attempt to make changes there next, you manged to comprehend that much at least without putting words in my mouth, congratulations.
Yes, AFTER you tried to say I inferred the FS did that, which I did not. Again, interesting comprehension problemYou stated that I thought the F.S. was keeping the bikes out of town. An inference on your part. I do not think that at all. I am well aware of the reasons OHVs were originally banned.
I know who elected the ex-hippie mayor, all the damn ex-hippies infiltrating the area. You think it was the teens and young adults? Since I live here, i might know a little about the demographics. Since my job requires me to talk to a lot of people everyday, and the FS battle also requires a lot of communication, I can tell you, the young adults HERE do not fit your box. They have supported multiple use of the forests and coomon sense politics. The aging hippies, 55+ years of age elected the mayor, and were actively fighting the sledders at the FS meeting last night. Thanks though for telling me what it is like where I live, as if you would know.You clearly state that you do not see teens and young people as an issue. NOT a bizzare inference on my part. Who do you think make up the BULK of groups like Green Peace and all those other enviro-zealot organizations? Aging hippies? It is the kids that are being brain washed every day by liberal panty-waists in the schools and universities. They are an active VOTING block and they don't care about your economics. Who do you think elected your hippie mayor?
You act like you've come up with some, outside the box, new tactic for change by demonstrating to local business the economic impact of our sport.
Old school, effective, but old school.
Seems that the CSA agrees with the majority of us that LOUD is bad and we need to compromise to survive.
Maybe you can convince them that they are wrong too.
Where did I say economic impact was a NEW idea? Who has the reading problem? You have put lots of words in my mouth. Try just going with the verbatim, ditch the attitude. Good thing we have such positive thinkers like you on the side of sledders. Put some effort into helping instead of this wedge tactic. Please stay in Steamboat, we don't need your poison here, or in the sled community period. Maybe consider just hanging it up. I understand that you know everything, thanks, but no thanks. I don't see you helping one bit.
Go ahead and help yourself to the last word too, obviously that is extremely important to you. Just like last night, you can't win arguments with idiots, so I concede here, like it matters anyway.
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