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Hatchers Pass- Palmer side

Jan 8, 2008
Rode Hatchers today and it was tracked up bad, the areas that weren't tracked up were windblown with boulders all over the place. The "Lady Ranger" ticketed all snowmachiners whether they paid or not and was posting closed to snowmobiling signs for the entire area as we left. Parking prices have gone up and are now $20 a half day or $55 a full day. If paying half a day you have to load up and exit the park before coming back to pay the other half. It was windy and -75 up there and FLAT LIGHT as bad as it gets while socked in by snow fog making for a miserable day! :D And if you believe all this you should stay away this weekend and try Turnagain or Lost Lake!!!

IT WAS AWSOME up there today and I had a blast with Mr. J and Hostile1, thanks for letting me tag along and showing me around. I would post pics but it was just too cold every time we stopped to dig the camera out and take some pics.

Happy New Year Everyone
Please be safe out there

WTF? They cant just raise the parking prices by 300% for half day. Its posted on the link above that the price is $5 for the 08/09 season. I think someone up there has a little hitler attitude growing. How can they ticket riders for riding in a area that is not posted closed. Sounds like if you were a lucky recipient, that you better take your chance with the judge, because the lady ranger seems to be too busy waiting by motherloade to write more tickets then show in court.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Rode Hatchers today and it was tracked up bad, the areas that weren't tracked up were windblown with boulders all over the place. The "Lady Ranger" ticketed all snowmachiners whether they paid or not and was posting closed to snowmobiling signs for the entire area as we left. Parking prices have gone up and are now $20 a half day or $55 a full day. If paying half a day you have to load up and exit the park before coming back to pay the other half. It was windy and -75 up there and FLAT LIGHT as bad as it gets while socked in by snow fog making for a miserable day! :D And if you believe all this you should stay away this weekend and try Turnagain or Lost Lake!!! IT WAS AWSOME up there today and I had a blast with Mr. J and Hostile1, thanks for letting me tag along and showing me around. I would post pics but it was just too cold every time we stopped to dig the camera out and take some pics.

Happy New Year Everyone
Please be safe out there

Looks like 900 got a big big one reeled in lol


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
The question is where is he goin, Lost Lake or Turny???? :D

Hows it goin Tim? You get Spike's pipe fixed yet?
Hey Nick,
Santa Claus got him a new set of Crankshop twins:D It rips again. Got tire of welding up the old ones. Now we just need some warmer weather some new snow down this way! Sounds like you guys have some great snow up in hatchers. It all but missed us down this way. Enjoy the snow up there.
Nov 30, 2007
Hey Nick,
Santa Claus got him a new set of Crankshop twins:D It rips again. Got tire of welding up the old ones. Now we just need some warmer weather some new snow down this way! Sounds like you guys have some great snow up in hatchers. It all but missed us down this way. Enjoy the snow up there.

SWEET, I bet he was happy.

Yea the snow was pretty good up in Hatchers. Once LL gets some new snow, we are goin to have to meet up there again with Doug and Mike.
Dec 6, 2007
Blue Bird Day Again

Was another awesome day up there again today though a little on the COLD :eek: side. But with blue skies and untracked hillsides, who could ask for more. Didn't see many folks back in the bowls mostly skiers and their taxis. Hatcher's will be awesome after the next storm rolls through.

Hey Tim,
Looks like he took the hook, line, & sinker! We'll have to hit up Lost Lake or Johnson's Pass after they get more snow. Was supposed to go to LL this week but passed due to the lack of fresh stuff. Hope all is well and talk to you soon.

Jan 8, 2008
Was another awesome day up there again today though a little on the COLD :eek: side. But with blue skies and untracked hillsides, who could ask for more. Didn't see many folks back in the bowls mostly skiers and their taxis. Hatcher's will be awesome after the next storm rolls through.

Hey Tim,
Looks like he took the hook, line, & sinker! We'll have to hit up Lost Lake or Johnson's Pass after they get more snow. Was supposed to go to LL this week but passed due to the lack of fresh stuff. Hope all is well and talk to you soon.


Yeah i did, thats what ya get when you don't read the entire post and scan it quick. :beer;
Apr 30, 2008
Anch, AK
Quick ?, I am planning on taking a freind up to Hatchers to do some skiing with the sleds, we both have sleds and can get around in the hills pretty good. So where in Hatchers do you think would be the best skiing with the help of sleds? I am just looking for some easy approach up to some good terrain to ski on without killing the sleds on some huge boulders.

Arcangel maybe?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2007
Upper Michigan & Alaska
Quick ?, I am planning on taking a freind up to Hatchers to do some skiing with the sleds, we both have sleds and can get around in the hills pretty good. So where in Hatchers do you think would be the best skiing with the help of sleds? I am just looking for some easy approach up to some good terrain to ski on without killing the sleds on some huge boulders.

Arcangel maybe?

I would go over the top of Summit, then go left...If your planing on ghosting your sleds down....I would be worried about Murphy law & rocks (Hatchers law)
Apr 30, 2008
Anch, AK
I don't like ghosting my sled in Crashers so I was hoping I could find somewhere to do laps. Where I can double someone to the top and pick them up at the bottom. Any help would be sweet.

So you reccomend Summit


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2007
Upper Michigan & Alaska
I don't like ghosting my sled in Crashers so I was hoping I could find somewhere to do laps. Where I can double someone to the top and pick them up at the bottom. Any help would be sweet.

So you reccomend Summit

Ok, I stick with my 1st comment, I seen people doing that (laps) last year. Go over the top, go to the bottom trail (tee's right there) turn left, then go left again. Should be a good area to do that. Good luck!
Dec 11, 2007
Valley Boy
Rode Palmer side on Sunday and Monday .... blue bird lighting ... dress for the weather and smile all day long, lots of wonderful powder to play in and track up. Watch for the slight bumps in the pow as .... there are land mines everywhere.


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Nov 26, 2007
Trump, AK.
Rode Dogsled with NitroSOB today, beautiful day. M1ke we waited as long as we could, thought we see you up there.





looking at the entrance to Dogsled

On the top of Dogsled.

Edit: Dogsled, thanks c-bolt
Last edited:
Feb 13, 2008

Wish we could have made it down the other side of Dogsled. That bowl didn't have any tracks. Well we could have made it down but getting back up may have been the problem. Great ride Race, I do think I need a new Nun, but it was still a good time. Nice pics.
Apr 30, 2008
Anch, AK
Rode and skied Hatchers today, thanks for the directions guys to the good skiing. Conditions were sunny and 10F all day(temp inversion) the snow was not the best for riding but skiing was great except we saw two natural slides come down once the sun hit them and my partner set of a small slide while skiing that could have burried a person but the main concern was that if it would have took him down he would have been washed over a medium size cliff band. We dug a pit and found some weak layers a few inches deep and heavy faucets on top, so the next big storm in Hatchers it will be like 2 feet of snow on top of a sheet of glass, so watch out.
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