Mile high - I think that your graph a page or two back is illustrative, but it likely has nothing to do with a declining national debt. I believe what it showed was the deficit spending. I agree, that at the end of the Clinton admin, there was a continuing decrease in national spending v revenue. That probably had more to do with (A) the Clinton admin shifting entitlements onto the State budgets and with the culmination of many spending programs and (B) a higher tax schedule.
Remember that Clinton put one hundred thousand cops on the streets during his first term administration (I think). But those cops got there because of federal grants. When this money ran out, the local governments were saddled with paying the salaries or cutting law enforcement. Hard tobe considered tough on crime when you canning half your police department.
Not to worry (DEMS), the legislators here on the left coast enacted a cut in the tax paid when licensing a vehicle. This was designed to be a little economic stimulus. Gray Davis was in office when the sunset on that repeal occured, the Republicans screamed blood murder that he was hosing the little guy. These are the same aholes that voted it with a sunset, but pointing that out doesn't make you a champion for the common man.
Powdersledder - I understand your frustration, but this country was set up by landowners who some pledged life and fortune to see it happen. It was and is set up so that the fortune of this country is not at the mercy of which way the wind blows. Although I will concede that both sides of the fence have learned well how to manipulate the system and public opinion.
In the end, read some history and I think that you'll find that these times aren't necessarily any different from other times. Sure we know the news of the world faster, but the way its packaged anymore is designed to elicit a particular reponse (FOX too). It seems every generation has been on the brink of destruction - financially, morally, environmentally - and somehow we are all here.
In the end we as a nation are fatter, lazyer (sp) and less classically educated than before. This is a direct result, not of FDR or Clinton, but of you, me and our neighbors tolerating things that detract from the value of our country. I don't really believe that the freedom of speech laid down 200 plus years ago was intended for a vegetable on vagina art show or for some ahole to claim that "GOD HATES FAGS" at a solders funeral. Its there so that you and I can sit on our butts and bicker back and forth about the lesser of two evils.

Sorry, kinda went off track. I'll bring it back online - Barack is for change right? Well I've busted my hump for a couple nickels to get where I'm at - I'd rather not change that.