Communism is the dead end on the road of socialism. It is a progression that starts clear on the other end with our Conservative right wing founding fathers and moves closer and closer to the end of the left which is Communism. Do you honestly think the govt will stop at Banks and Health Care? Do you think I support Bush as he pertains to the Stupid Bail outs?
Its the banks today but what happens when this crisis spreads and shuts down other industries? Who will step in and save the day? So when Lowes shuts down and the govt takes it over we will have Govt Hardware stores. When the Hospitals shut down, govt hospitals, wait I think thats happening with health care already. When there are no contractors to build, we will get govt contractors. Get the picture? The more it happens the more the economy collapses and the faster it spreads until you wake up one day and the govt just says, "ah, we might as well just take over all of it."
Now if you are still this stupid you may say, whats wrong with that? Ill tell you. It takes govt 5 dollars to do what the free market will do with 1 dollar. So the wealth of the country is sucked up by the giant vacuum which is the USG and the rest of the people are lower middle class at best. Oh there will be rich people, Bill Ayers, Barney Fwank and his fag lover, Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, Reverend Flaguer, basically everyone with connections to the power. If you dont believe me look at other countries.
Joe the plumber who has desire to work his *** off to own a plumbing company will not be able to do it because the govt will hand the opportunities out to its friends and people it chooses (and just a glimpse into who those people will be in this new govt? friends IE: minorities IE: blacks IE: the end of white suppression. Why do you think Collin cancer Powell has flopped? He knows whats coming and he wants back on the movement before its too late. They were calling him uncle Tom to massa' Bush now they are praising his wisdom.
Communism is the end result of greed and corruption in govt, that is a
fact and history has proved it. Spawned by a combined effort from two main groups, politicians lust for power and greed from those who are least accused of being greedy, the poor. Communism does not happen overnight and the defense of the movement is to mock those who expose it and its signs as extremists. "What? we just like to spread the wealth around, that's not communism" True conservatives see it coming and we are scared ****less. There are only 2 outcomes in Americas future, full tilt revolution or eventual full tilt communism.
The sad thing is that if we could stop the lies from the liberal leaders and give capitalism and responsible govt (Sarah Palin sell the jet and fire the chef type of govt) a chance we could all grow rich together. If the rich get richer and create more jobs then workforce can handle what do the rich have to do? Raise wages, everyone get richer. Last year the middle class shrank by 11%, where did they go? Upper middle class. I can guarantee you one thing. That will reverse under socialbama policies. If we had a govt that was fiscally responsible we would all be rich, but we would be much more free and it would take away their power and thats why they wont allow it to happen. The church I belong to, of which admittedly I am not a very good member, saves 10% of everything they take in and they are VERY well financially and they send insane amounts of money to poor all over the world. Imagine a govt that saved money? A govt with a bank account? It would be Unreal what they could eventually do.
The thing that is most disturbing about the liberal socialist movement in America. People are born to privilege in the United States, the greatest, free'est, most amazing country in the world. Even the poorest of the poor, and by that I mean anyone who actually pulls themselves out of bed and works at the lowest job he can find(which anyone can do) and accepts the assistance of the generous people of the USA, is a fricken millionaire compared to poor in most other countries. They, for whatever reason decide they are not happy with this country that has bleesed everyone in it so greatly and they want to change it.
Example : boy gets brand new turbo M1200 with Nitrous from his father for his birthday. Amazing Sled, fastest one around. Looks over the fence at his friend who has a 98 Skidoo Summit and he wants to for some insane reason take his turbo off, throw away the suspension and the motor and the chassis and basically turns his M1200t into the 98 Summit. If thats not the definition of Insanity I dont know what is?
One more thing. And let me get a little religious here. This country was founded as a Nation with adopted Christian values. "One nation under God." There are many of us who feel that God has reserved this land for a free people and with a basic core of values he will only tolerate so much oppression here. Christian core values transcend all good religion. Be nice, help others, be honest, be virtuous and work hard for what you get just to name a few. We, the USA, have been given the charge to protect the world from evil. We do a dang good job of it even though we cant do it all. If the corruption from the inside takes away the freedom of this sacred land God will show you his conservative side. He will humble the people and bring them back to the core values that made this nation great. Let me quote Joe Biden, "Mark my words...."
(freak takes slow deep breaths now.....)