I was not going to post here any more but the same thing keeps coming up.
Wow, if you read this post as well as you read your internet sites you would see all the policies that people support for Mccain.
Just to name a few more ,
2-Tax on large, small business
3-War policy
4-gun policy
5-health care plans
6-land policy
7-vice pres choice
9-morals etc.
10- better looking wife/v.p
11- rides A.C.
And do not post your answers for each item , we know already!
I could go on but these are a enough to show that people do like his policies better.
Like I said before, who is lying and who is telling the truth. look at there backgrounds then pick the lesser evil.
And tring to blame Ragan etc. for the economy troubles? you can strech things bigger than most.
With the millions of people the US has, is this the best we can come up with?
See, you were going so good there, then go go and spout the "lesser of two evils." All I want to hear is someone genuenly saying, I support McCain because...(I make $400,000 a year and don't want Obama taking another cent) or something like that.