Great, so your family thinks it sucks. I think health care in America sucks and I know several people that have gone to Canada or Mexico for health care, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT RAPE THEIR PATIENTS! Point is, there are people that like their system and people that don't. There are people that like our system and people that don't. There has got to be a happy medium.
I also know a person who has gone to Mexico and had dental work and now orthopedic surgery done. The work was between 1/5 and 1/2 the cost of the US estimates and results were fairly adequate. Theres no doubt that our system has problems, and needs some regulation and reform, as long as we dont affect the fact that for the most part we still get the BEST medical care in the world. Both candidates endorse reform.
Aerial hunting has been discontinued in the former
Soviet Union due to budget restraints.
What happens in the USSR matters because they are your role model?????
Wolf hunting is still practised in the U.S state of Alaska, though it is illegal to shoot wolves from the aircraft. Instead, the wolf is pursued to the point of exhuastion, and shot from the ground.
Congress passed the Federal Airborne Hunting Act of 1972
[63], which made it illegal for hunters to shoot animals from a plane or helicopter. The federal legislation does have a [provision] for predator control, permitting
state employees or licensed individuals to shoot from an aircraft for the sake of protecting "land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life, or crops."
Special Management areas are the ONLY areas that are ever opened to arial hunting. They are temporary "openings" that are also dictated by seasonal and natural causes. Predator control must be instigated before a population of animals gets decimated by the highly efficient packs of Alaskan wolves, some packs have 50+ adults. Typically we dont have to control the predators, and let nature run its course. But when the Moose, or Caribou populations that are the primary food source that feed a villiage of people become trapped by extreme snowfalls, or other acts of nature that confine them to a specific area for sufficient food, (such as a wildfire) the biologist survey the area found to have a booming population of predators, then they activate the predator control to X number of wolves because they have to create balance. They use airplanes or helicopters primarily because the state officials do the most of the work with state resources. When they cant they call in the licensed locals to get the job done before its too late. Next they use the aircraft because there are no roads for hundreds of miles otherwise they would just use snowmachines. These areas are mostly innaccessible by snowmachine due to logistics, (distance) or because they are wilderness areas locked up by democrats, that are off limits to ground travelling vehicles Many times the clever wolves are denned just a few hundred yards inside the border of Denali National Re***e, where they cannot be persued by ground vehicles. You make it sound like we just fly around the whole state running every wolf into the ground and then kill them without reason. Like they are a cockroach or something. We love the wolves like any other animal on this earth. Especially the tasty ones!
So, who was president in 1972? Please remind me.
***** in 72, why change d*cks in the middle of a screw?
Either way, you can justify wolf hunting however you like, but this does not sound like a sport and I cannot believe someone would pay the cost of a helicopter just to protect some land in the middle of Alaska.
Its not a sport its an extreme form of emergency management for the preservation of animals that are vital to the ecosystem. Some of the licensed hunters make it a sport, yes, but the reason is for the good of an area. The people who get these licenses make so much money off of tourism in the summer with their aircraft that they can dink around all winter doing whatever they please with their time......GOD BLESS THE USA
Irrational thought: Maybe we should take their airplane away and give it to some low income family.......that deserves an airplane...
Thanks for agreeing with me on cramming it down their throat.