Good to Go
Arctic Boy said "Pres" not humanitarian. I won't argue that he has tried to make the world a better place, but so have a lot of folks.
I can't say that perhaps we don't have some points we can discuss, but my man you'd better get your s&*t straight if you going to come up in here and start running your chicklets. Your comment about the economy shows that you're ignorant. I didn't say stupid, because I don't know you or your backgraound so I'll assume your not educated in economics, thus ignorant.
stock market has been on a steady decline fore for the past several years
I'd like your to cite your source on this comment. When I look at an INDU chart it shows a decline in the last year, but steady growth for the previous two years (assuming you mean 3 years = several). You have said some things that are worthy of discussion and perhaps even you and I can agree in principle on, but you best know WTF you are talking about when you take someone to task about checking their sources.
Hahahaha.... And that sums THAT up