I do not like McCain's politics very much, he votes too liberal for me, but I can not stand Obama's politics.
There will never be anyone in the Whitehouse conservative enough for me!
I do not believe that man is the cause of any warming trend. My carbon footprint is just fine. Thank you very much.
I believe in sound management of OUR public lands and not the lock it up and throw away the keys approach (i.e. Clinton's so-called Roadless Rule and new Wilderness designations). Neither McCain and Obama will be good in this area in my opinion, but I believe Obama will be much worse.
I beleive in strong private property rights without government interference (i.e. Endangered Species Act).
I believe in my right to own guns and carry a concealed carry permit.
I believe that Muslim extremists are out to kill all of us American's, Christian or not. The conservatives seem to understand this much better than the liberals.
I believe in drilling for more oil in ANWR and off our coasts. I am also am fine with other sources of energy too, especially nuclear.
I actually believe that McCain and Hillary voted very similar, but that is neither here nor there, as she is not running either.
And although off the subject, the last 7 years under Bush has not been all that bad for a good portion of American's.
I will be voting for the least of these two evils, and that will be McCain.