Lets take cost out of the equation for a moment.
If you and your family paid the exact same amount per year under O'care BUT:
1. your not able to keep your doctor (fact)
2. you will have longer wait times to see a doctor ...sometimes months (highly likely)
3. may be denied coverage or a procedure that you would otherwise get now (highly likely)
OR....you could keep what you have now....which would you choose?
Also consider this program will cost the US something like $1.3 trillion now (my # may not be exact but the estimated costs have risen dramatically)
The other thing that PISSES ME OFF about this whole thing is that the Scumbag in charge has LIED about it over and over and over again..... let me ask you....if this program is so good....why would you need to lie about it??
Now let me flip this back on you.....because you clearly seem to think that its not such a bad thing.....you say:
"I just have a hard time hearing my fellow Snowesters blame the government and cite Health Insurance companies to prove the point that Obamacare is bad for the Country."
Tell us why its a GOOD thing for the country?
I cannot speak for speculations, nor can I speak for your "soon to be imposed" healthcare Act. However I can draw on experiences from which I have lived in.
1. The only reason I have not been able to keep my family doctor was because he retired. I found another one with a reference from my old doctor.(This is not the case by some people in Canada, however medical clinics are everywhere.
2. I've never waited a week, let alone a month to see my doctor. Specialists, that's a different story. However if it is life threatening, there are no shortages of doctors.
3. If a procedure is absolutely needed, you are not denied. There are certain instances which have impacted me personally such as; my step-father has liver disease, he's 60yrs old. However because he also has colon cancer that cannot be operated on, he is denied a new liver. Only if he was to be cancer free for 3+yrs would he be put on the waiting list for a liver. However he is taken care of in many other ways, doctor visits twice a week, Albumin treatments in the Hospital Day Care twice a week, blood work every 2 weeks etc etc. My step-father has been self-employed his entire life and does not have health coverage. His prescriptions are not covered by the government, however because my mother is a social worker for the gov't, their prescriptions are covered. Thankfully.
Back to costs, again if you tax the health care companies and kick big corporations out of funding your politicans(hey they do the same here too) the burden on the working man will be much less significant. (Reference time: The USA spends more on maintaining a 'retired' fleet of war ships than Canada does on our entire military)
I hate being lied to as well. So, I'm totally standing shoulder to shoulder with you on that one. Bullsh!t at it's finest and I despise it as much as you do by the sounds of it.
My comment that you quoted is exactly what it reads like. Don't use Health Care companies 'woes' to prove the point that people are being laid off because of this Act. These companies are spending millions and millions of dollars backing political campaigns and donating moneys that are used as tax exemptions. Hence, not paying their taxes to the government, thus making your governments rely more and more on people like yourself to make up the deficit. And what a deficit you guys have amassed.
Never once did I say it was a good thing for your Country. But health reform is needed. I suggest everyone vote for the person who shares the same beliefs and ideas as theirs, not what color button they have on their breast. Oh, and someone that isn't financed by big corporations who, in turn, are ultimately putting the pressure via the current sitting government) on the American citizen in form of more taxes and bigger deficits.
I don't claim to have the answers. However the current roadblocks that I keep hearing in this, and many other threads throughout the years just don't add up to what I've read and learned on my own. That's my only dog in this fight.