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Thoughts from a Pastor


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
This was passed to me from a friend, and after reading I thought it was worth sharing....

Subject: Pastor's thoughts
Interesting thoughts from a pastor:
Hopefully, conservative people have learned something today (in recent weeks). Violence is useless. The GOP is useless. Third parties are useless. Elections are useless.
The Deep State is everywhere, and will not relinquish power. We do not live in a republic. We are ruled by technocrats and oligarchs.
We are entering a period of one-party socialist globalist government. We have already been in cultural decline for quite some time. The Trump presidency was a speed bump on the way to the Great Reset. But it has been overcome. It took a bioweapon and election fraud, and it was achieved at a great price - but they pulled it off.
We are looking at a radicalized Democratic Party controlling both houses and the presidency. They have the votes to pack the Supreme Court and take the judicial branch very quickly as well. Nothing can stop this. They have the votes to admit new states, open the borders, and consolidate their power for years to come. Again, nothing can stop them. We need to come to grips with this reality.
There is nothing that any opposition can do. They have a radical and ambitious agenda that is economically and culturally Marxist. They control the schools, the popular culture, Hollywood, Wall Street, sports, entertainment, the mainstream media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Academy.
So we are going to have to look for solutions outside of the federal government and outside of their social and political control. There may be some respite at the state and local level - depending on where you live. But real resistance will take place in private communities. We must culturally secede.
If you have money, figure out how to invest it or save it in ways that it can’t be tracked or seized. It may be crypto or gold or stuffing bills in a safe. It may be buying life insurance or land. No matter what your financial situation is, plan on frugality and thrift. The state will try to get its fangs into you.
Engage in offline economic activity: cash transactions, barter, etc. Disengage from government as much as possible. Pull out of public schools. Stay off of the government radar. Expect high taxes and inflation - and plan accordingly.
Also expect a crackdown on the first and second amendments - and find ways to continue to exercise your God-given rights without any unnecessary contact with government. Be innocent as doves and wise as serpents.
Understand that this could be a very long captivity. Babylon and the USSR were both 70 years. Read and collect subversive literature. Teach your children banned history, literature, and market economics. Associate with others who share your views, and get educated together. Remember, this is a long-term rebuilding project. We are planting seeds of trees that we will probably not see bear fruit in our lifetimes.
Be guarded in your speech and be selective about whom you trust. You will need to think long and hard about lines that you will or will not cross.
Encourage your children to get into the trades. We will always need plumbers, mechanics, carpenters, IT, etc. Be wary of mainstream universities. They not only generate debt and prepare students for careers that don’t exist, they also pervert the minds of young people.
The most radical things that young people can do is not to start a podcast or run for Congress - but rather get married, have children, stay married, faithfully attend church, and form local communities. Stop watching TV and movies. Secede from poisonous pop culture.
Take care of your mental and physical health apart from the healthcare system where possible. Use preventive measures to stay healthy, and use natural medicine wherever you can. Expect a much more expensive and shoddy healthcare system - one that will be laden with waiting lists and bureaucracy, that will embrace euthanasia for the elderly. Expect a mental health system that will target the politically undesirable - and try to stay off of their radar screen.
If ordinary people begin to see the folly of what the Democrats have in store, and begin to wake up, outstanding. But don’t expect to see anything of the sort for decades. People love the promise of ‘free stuff.’ They will have to learn for themselves how costly ‘free stuff’ actually is. We will need to hit Venezuela-style rock bottom before there can be a change in direction. Sadly, people need to lose their liberty before they treasure it and start to demand it again - and this is a generational thing. We didn’t get here overnight.
This is going to be quite a ride. It will be ugly. Business as usual is over. Don’t underestimate their malice and potential for inhumane and demonic behavior. Think before you act, and strategize like a chess player.
And remember, God is still in charge. He allows His people to suffer, both as chastisement, as well as to accomplish His inscrutable will. Be fervent in prayer and seek His will - knowing that Christ will come again. We ultimately know how it all ends!
Pastor Larry
I personally think it is not too late. But, the time is getting close.
May 2, 2013
Apocalyptic Christian Death Cult propaganda tastes so good. If only that bitch Eve didn't eat the apple and Mary wasnt such a whore we would still be in paradise! Wait...did they have snowmobiles in paradise? Dammit guess ill stick with hell on earth.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Man!!! he pretty much hit every GOP talking point in that one letter from the deep state, election fraud, gun rights, to healthcare Nicely done sir!!!!!(y)(y) I think the only thing he did not talk about is climate change. I am sure his has heard from a higher authority that that doesn't exist so no big deal on that front anyway.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Apocalyptic Christian Death Cult propaganda tastes so good. If only that bitch Eve didn't eat the apple and Mary wasnt such a whore we would still be in paradise! Wait...did they have snowmobiles in paradise? Dammit guess ill stick with hell on earth.

Mocking Christianity on Good Friday. Nicely done. Real classy.


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Apr 22, 2010


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Nov 26, 2007
Central North Dakota
That’s the neat thing about imaginary friends, you can pretend they think however you want them to...
I thought you Liberals were all about accepting people as they are, no matter their religion, race, sex, gay, straight or what ever. It sure seams you guys spend a lot of time bashing on Christians. Why is that? Does it bother you guys that a group of people still find moral values and family important? Or is it more the fact the same group of people doesn't support Joe Biden?


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Nov 27, 2008
Eastern Idaho
I generally try to stay out of the political stuff on here, but I really like what what pastor Larry has to say. Mafesto I always enjoy your posts. You bring an element to the forum I enjoy. All of that being said I am not interested in debating the political views of our Savior on Easter weekend.
My advise: delete the thread. Political views start riots, but religious views start wars.
For those really interested in Christ’s views. I suggest the New Testament. Focus on the words in red.
Jan 15, 2010
I generally try to stay out of the political stuff on here, but I really like what what pastor Larry has to say. Mafesto I always enjoy your posts. You bring an element to the forum I enjoy. All of that being said I am not interested in debating the political views of our Savior on Easter weekend.
My advise: delete the thread. Political views start riots, but religious views start wars.
For those really interested in Christ’s views. I suggest the New Testament. Focus on the words in red.
You actually think the New Testament is an accurate depiction of Christ’s views? The majority of the gospels were written hundreds of years after his death. For the majority of its existence the church leaders and monks could read and the masses couldn’t. Those church leaders had absolute power, you don’t think that maybe a “few” things got re-written to suit their needs?

Whenever something goes bad or not according to plan the answer is “it’s gods will” or “have faith”. Nothing could be more close minded.

The original teaching is really simple-don’t be a dick, don’t steal and don’t kill anyone. Sounds good to me, don’t need to hear an angry man to yell about that every Sunday.... That original teaching really quickly turned into “don’t kill anyone except those who don’t agree with us and believe in the same imaginary friend”. Christianity has killed more people than smallpox over the duration of its existence.

You want to see hate and intolerance? Look to the modern day “Christian” members of y’all Quaeda in the republic of Magastan.
Jan 15, 2010
I thought you Liberals were all about accepting people as they are, no matter their religion, race, sex, gay, straight or what ever. It sure seams you guys spend a lot of time bashing on Christians. Why is that? Does it bother you guys that a group of people still find moral values and family important? Or is it more the fact the same group of people doesn't support Joe Biden?
All of the groups that you mention (except religion) do not have a choice in what they are. Deciding to believe fairy tales as the gospel truth is a choice.

And don’t even start with the whole “morality “ bullish!t. That’s just another way to use the church to steer the narrative to suit the needs and views of its leaders. Was it moral for the Catholic Church to all but endorse the Final Solution, not speak out against it or punish the practicing church members that carried it out? Is it moral to spit on those less fortunate and to want any welfare benefit cut off so that the rich can pay less taxes?

to say that Jesus’s teachings are aligned with Donald trumps views is the epitome of hypocrisy and stupidity.

The whole attitude of “we teach brotherly love and if you don’t agree with us we will light you on fire” may have mellowed out a bit over the years but it’s closer to the surface in modern Christianity than you admit.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Ace, I don't agree with the majority of what you said, but I don't disagree with all of it either.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Central North Dakota
All of the groups that you mention (except religion) do not have a choice in what they are. Deciding to believe fairy tales as the gospel truth is a choice.

And don’t even start with the whole “morality “ bullish!t. That’s just another way to use the church to steer the narrative to suit the needs and views of its leaders. Was it moral for the Catholic Church to all but endorse the Final Solution, not speak out against it or punish the practicing church members that carried it out? Is it moral to spit on those less fortunate and to want any welfare benefit cut off so that the rich can pay less taxes?

to say that Jesus’s teachings are aligned with Donald trumps views is the epitome of hypocrisy and stupidity.

The whole attitude of “we teach brotherly love and if you don’t agree with us we will light you on fire” may have mellowed out a bit over the years but it’s closer to the surface in modern Christianity than you admit.
I don't believe I stated that Trump views reflect what all Christians feel, I said we don't support Biden. Clearly not the same message. I don't bash on people because they are not Christians, and I don't think the church today is going around burning people at the stake or will start anytime soon. What I do see is a large group of liberals in America talking how valuable human life is, that Black and Asian lives matter, owning guns is bad and they kill people, and then support freedom to have abortion. Sounds a little twisted doesn't it? I am fairly certain that most Christians are not ready to arm themselves and hide in a bunker, but I am certain that any Christian will agree that the lack of morals in the US has been on a steady decline and is going down hill quickly. You shouldn't have to go to church to recognize that.
Jan 15, 2010
I don't believe I stated that Trump views reflect what all Christians feel, I said we don't support Biden. Clearly not the same message. I don't bash on people because they are not Christians, and I don't think the church today is going around burning people at the stake or will start anytime soon. What I do see is a large group of liberals in America talking how valuable human life is, that Black and Asian lives matter, owning guns is bad and they kill people, and then support freedom to have abortion. Sounds a little twisted doesn't it? I am fairly certain that most Christians are not ready to arm themselves and hide in a bunker, but I am certain that any Christian will agree that the lack of morals in the US has been on a steady decline and is going down hill quickly. You shouldn't have to go to church to recognize that.
Imposing your version of morals on others is not very Christian. How many young girls have sought out abortion because their “Christian “ fathers would disown them if they were pregnant out of wedlock but those same “Christian “ fathers made access to birth control difficult or impossible? How many of those situations would be avoidable with a bit of actual “Christian “ tolerance and acceptance of the situation?

On another note-Do any of you actually think Jesus looked like a white European like all images show him? News flash-people that lived in Bethlehem 2000 years ago did not look like white Europeans. It’s pretty funny when you realize that if god really created man in his own likeness that your god would actually look like a brown or black man. But the church would never tolerate that...
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