People say they can't afford health insurance yet they go to the bar and drop $60+ a night, they have a $130 a month cell phone and they wear $100 jeans.
Not all go to a bar, pay $130 for cell phone and wear $100 jeans. I buy most of my clothes at yards sales, or on the clearance rack and yes I look like crap. I'd be happy to state more ways to save money.
This will improve quality of life in this country.
Statistically true BUT several accounting offices including the Federal Governments own state in written reports
the amount of uninsured today will not be fully eliminated. They state of those 30 million uninsured the number will not go below 20 million. For those 10 million who are "insured" what's the real cost?
Do you want to discuss how poverty has not decreased and income levels have decreased since the introduction of social programs to help?
Do you want to discuss how some minorities are being decreased by laws?
Lets discuss the at least 5 exceptions of the mandated law Affordable Care Act the president did out of the rule of law, with out the approval of congress. Please correct me but only Congress creates law and the sworn execution branch before GOD and country to enforce the laws for the people.
Lets talk about the 5000 plus ACA applications released on the internet day one including DOB, SSN, address etc.? Do we have a right to privacy?
How much of a persons working life are an obligation of others and the government thru laws and taxes? 5% 15% 40% 60% and yes there was a 90% income tax bracket at one time.Have you worked so hard to hinder your own health and welfare then as yourself when you get the check only to realize you went to a higher tax bracket and received less money for your efforts? How about your life? At what point of obligation and duty does one stop being a citizen and becomes a servant? ?
Society must be able to adjust itself for pragmatic economic decisions and to balance interests of the state and society against those of individuals and their constitutional rights to personal freedom and private happiness