Good for you two......I scored big in the wife department too, although (unlike you) I never got Missy to climb on the Gixxer or the ZX7R. She DOES love her ATV and her sled.
The key for Missy was finding her a ride that fit HER, not something she'd grow into, or something for my deadbeat buddies to ride. We rented a pile of different sleds (she hated them all) until she rode a REV. Even after riding a new XP, she doesn't want to change sleds, and I'm not going to push her. She's getting better and better off trail, and I might even have convinced her to go on the outing. She's even springing for new PowderPros for BOTH of our sleds this year. Being supportive WITHOUT being pushy is an art unto itself.
I never understood guys who get married and then salivate at every opportunity to go somewhere or do something without their wives. I got married because I LIKE doing stuff with Missy...It's simply more fun to ride with her. If I wanted to spend more time with my buddies, I'd still be single.
Anyway.....word to the wise: If you want wifey to join you in your sledding adventures, take some time and listen to what makes her comfortable (sled, helmet, boots, etc) Let her know that you WANT her there. Let her learn at her own pace, and don't make her feel like a buzzkill. Most of all, when she gets stuck or frustrated or whatever, remind her that YOU were not born with a snowmobile protruding from your azz, and that YOU have been in the exact same frustrating position more times than you'd care to admit. Share a laugh, help her tip her sled back upright, and enjoy sharing SOMETHING you love with SOMEONE you love. In no time at all, SHE will be highmarking YOU......After all, she IS lighter than you right??