LMAO Yeti! Ya douche!
I am not addressing the video here....I am addressing the post by Ultra and so many others' posts on this website.
Oh my hell....these threads are the same thing with a different title and author. Gimme a break. So do you propose a society without law and the enforcement of law Ultra? You propose anarchy? Whatever happened to accountability? Do you know what that word means Ultra? I would be very curious to see your record. People like you that spew this garbage always have extensive records. Am I being judgemental? ...hmmm yup. Nice google results...hahahaha....anyone can type the crap you do online. Anyone can claim police corruption including the media, doesn't mean it is true. Does it exist....ya....is it better now than 20-30 years ago. Yes.
I use to work for a sheriff....he is as corrupt as they come....I walked out and went straight to the attorney general's office after I had it with him stealing my evidence and interfering with my investigations. He took 20 guns and 40k out of the evidence room. He told me not to worry about it. I knew I was getting close to busting his son for trafficking Meth. Yes corruption is out there, is it a perfect system...hell no...most cops are good men. Yes there are a lot of cops that rub people wrong....are they still good men....YES. You work LE for a couple years and try to not let it change you. You become numb to a lot of emotion. Is that a good trait...hell no...but it is just what the job does to you. Why do you think the divorce rate of a cop is so high. The job has an extremely negative affect on most. You have no idea the kind of sh*t we wade in day after day. To all of you that so harshly criticize us...walk a year in our shoes and let me see if you spew the same garbage after. If you come across a cop that has a very good attitude....consider yourself lucky, it isn't your right that he be pleasant to you if you are a suspect in a crime. Yes he should be respectful and fair. Respectful means no calling you names, sexually harrassing you, and no force that is not necessary. If he is arrogant or is just a plain d*ck...that is unfortunate, but I don't care. Go cry to someone else...pull up your little girl panties and move on. If he/she violated your rights...ok then you can talk. If you come across a cop that doesn't seem too happy....think of this...he may have seen a decapitated little boy hours earlier. Think of the big picture and get out of your little happy box of a life. I am so sick of the whiners on here....whining about LE doing this and that....about a cop lying, about too much force used, about cops writing tickets when they should find my stolen sled, etc, etc. BOOOO HOOOO! Take of your little girl panties and put on some big boy underwear! Clean up your life and take some accountability for it and stop putting blame on cops, prosecutors, judges, etc. Then you teach your kids your lack of accountability....hmmmm....yes that is why I deal with generational criminals......grandpa, his son, and his son. Go ahead and pass on that lack of accountibility and anti-social behaviors to your kids....I will be placing cuffs on them before you know it.
"Tricks of entrapment" ......haha spoken like a true enabler of your children's delinquency. Pathetic.