WoW, so because I believe in the Bill of Rights I am a scumbag and because I believe in exercising the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments then I must be guilty of something? I hope most of you never sit on a jury.
If you cops are so damn honest when is the last time any of you have explained these amendments and the rights they afford to some scared kid you have cornered before you ran him over with your authority? I am guessing none of you.
All the above responses do kind of prove the point though. Your obvious answer is he must be guilty of something otherwise he should lay down and take it. After all if he has nothing to hide what’s the problem. These are pathetic excuses for a free country! A country that is trending to a not so free country because it citizens lay down for a tyrannical government.
Most of you need to go back and read the post from “TheFlyingFynn” He pretty much nailed it. You also need to teach your kids about the “Bill of Rights” and the remainder of the constitution, if the government and it’s school don’t teach this to your kids then who will?
No wonder our prisons have innocent people locked up and more prisoners per ca pita than any other country in the world.
Also, you missed my demographics by a mile. My kids, myself, my immediate family, my extended family and my in laws have never been arrested. I am in my 50’s and have been in a professional career for 32 years and have managed a second business for 21 years and a third for 5 years. Been married to the same woman for 30 years. My first kid is a 4.0 student in college when she can afford to go, because she wants to do it on her own and my second kid just bought a house at 20 years old. I haven’t even had a traffic ticket for longer than most of you have been alive. Hardly a family of law breakers and pot growers.
I'm sure you are a good guy but for gosh sakes, do you also teach your kids that they can't trust and should avoid doctors/nurses/school teachers/bankers/carpenters/electricians/blumbers/mechanics etc etc because a small percentage of people in EVERY profession are scumbags? Hell w/o these professions would anyone have a pot to pizz in? BTW I don't think anyone called you a lawbreaker or a pot smoker, you may want to re read the posts....I'll go out on a limb here, do you teach your kids to TRUST anyone?
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