I think I will start with your 98%. I googled “Corrupt Law Enforcement”, I got 2,350,000 results, with an “M”. Then I googled “Nationwide Police Brutality”, I got 108,000 results and then “Nationwide Police Misconduct” for which I received 53,900 results. I simply do not have the time to go thru all this information but I did hit a few. The statements that most articles touched on is that this problem is at alarming epidemic rates and climbing. I would find it damn hard to believe that 2% of you could create this level of a problem? Can you imagine how many more cases go unreported or are covered up, it’s mind boggling.
Additionally this clip and several more like it were not created in a void, I am sure the films producers have better things to do with their time and money if this was not such a wide spread problem. Law enforcement is clearly loosing the confidence of the American public.
But I will agree there are no doubt some damn fine cops that really do care about the good will of the general public and conduct themselves as such. Police that have a genuine concern for others and their rights, as well as their well being, but I believe those are the minority. It’s a toss-up if you will encounter one.
Sheriff Richard Mack is definitely one that all law enforcement could model themselves after. You can google him, you will get 658,000 responses, that alone says something.
You personally? I have posed the question twice before and both time a sidestep. When is the last time you have explained someone’s 4th, 5th & 6th amendments to them before questions and searches? I am still guessing zero. In fact I will go out on a limb here, I bet the training you have had does the opposite. Your training along with department policies and procedures is how, as an officer, you get around these pesky amendments.
Regarding this clip? I would like to see a similar remake of it without the drugs, as you and I know young minds are impressionable and we do not condone drug use, and made mandatory viewing at all high schools and driver education classes. But I won’t hold my breath.