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Germany has been banning homeschool for years...not it comes to a theatre near you .

Beats the hell out of me...

I'm just throwing out a "should" not a "will" or "here's how".

and more importantly if we do give up those rights and freedoms ..would we not be like the above story in Germany ??? rather an oxymoron if I ever did see it ....

PS I was homeschooled ...........good night :wine:
and if you are a parent ............are you qualified and by whose standards ?? -snow I'd say all of us with kids would admit that we were incredibly unqualifed when we started....and still feel so at times.

With that said, Chit homeschool kids are just weird. Everyone knows that.

PS.being lazy in public school got me a 32 on my ACT and the damn college didn't even ask for my score.
My own personal experience from growing up in a small town that had a couple families that were homeschooled. Hardly anyone knew anything about them. They were withdrawn from the community, not just the school. And had very little social grace or interaction skills. I'm sure they could have been really booksmart but they got and incomplete in social skills they need.
That is really effected by the execution of the homeschooling. Grew up with a kid that came to the public schools for the PhysEd and the sports, but did all the actual learning at home. I wouldn't say that they didn't get all the social skills they needed...
I can understand the ole Ozark Mountain deal with no shoes and hand me downs ..
our kids participate in all kinds of activities set out by our Homeschool Association ...we all follow a ciriculum set out by http://www.nbcdes.com/

80% is online via VCLASS ...which connects kids all over the map that are enrolled in the same school. some kids are floating around on a yaht in the South Pacific...
and by the way it is pretty fricken spendy if you would like to enroll your kids..
kind of like the private school deal but without the travel..
oh and we don't just make sh1t up as we either ..everything is laid out and at the beginning of the year we recieve boxes and boxes of courses..then twice a year the school facilitators make the trip north and spend a day with us ...basicaly grading and assessing..

now you know the rest of the story......
Should the sitting judge decide to blow his wad and make a precident setting ruling then only 3 words will apply to his attempted legacy. "Overturned on Appeal"! I've seen both sides of this, a certain moron i know was home schooled by mom who quit teaching at university, Now a middle aged recluse who cannot function in a crowd and has no people skills at all. Other extreme my friend homeschools and his eldest is top o the heap at university and excellent at all aspects of life. Every case is as different as the people involved! One law will not fit all. my.02
Personally, I think the social aspect of schooling is just as, if not more important, than the learning material itself. One of the most common things that holds people back, and generally gives them problems in the real world, is the inability to communicate fluidly with others.
Ban Homeschooling, do it now.

The State/Crown needs young people to be programmed to think and behave in a certain way. They must respect and bow down to authority. No free thinking. They must be taught at an early age to schedule time around a series of bells and buzzers and to diligently perform their tasks under the tutelage of a CUPE member. I think socialized Day Care is the best way to start them off. Get those kids out of the house and away from family so the can be programmed, err, educated properly. Taxes must be increased so that familes need two incomes to survive, this will help get the kids out of the home.
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I definitely think there are right and wrong ways to homeschool children. H2Snow, it sounds like you are doing it the right way. You use a curriculum and your children have plenty of social interaction with others. However, I have met a LOT of homeschoolers whose parents have not really done it well. They are YEARS behind their peers (i.e. a 15 year old still in 6th grade math) in intelligence because their parents are not smart enough or dedicated enough to truly educate their children. Also, many of them that I know are very socially awkward except with the other homeschoolers they know.

I think that as long as the kids can interact with others and can test with their peers, it works.
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