Not sure what is happening in Ozone's world...but this is what is happening in ours.
Whether the RSC or the SRS chose to acknowledge the BISO or not it was pretty clear that it was coming. Sledding didn't need any more negative stories, so a few of us stepped up to the plate with the hopes to minimize the chances of a wreck. It was a bit of an uphill battle, but following almost an entire week of meetings and phone calls with rescue authorities, heli companies, forestry, RCMP, and local service companies we met the requirements to hold a 'special event'.
We did the best we could with gathering donations at the trail head to cover the safety costs of the day: insurance, medical & rescue gear, lathe, flagging, and admin stuff.
Thanks to Neil McLaren, Shane Render, Mark Shaede, and three others (sorry, I didn't catch your names

)for their donations of $100 each.
A big thanks to the BDSO for paying for the two on hill medics that we arranged for the day.

(Whew...that really took the pressure off us!)
Once costs were covered we donated $200 to the Golden Search and Rescue to thank them for lending us rescue gear.
Also, a $400 donation was offered to the Revelstoke CSPS (Canadian Ski Patrol) for the rescue toboggan, rescue gear and radios that we borrowed. On the suggestion from the CSPS, this donation was redirected to the Canadian Avalanche Center (CAC).
Jennifer George accepted our donation on behalf of the Canadian Avalanche Centre.
Important note learned from this weekend: Try to find cute girls to collect donations.
The potential was there to raise substantially more for non-profit backcountry organizations such as these. Oh well, maybe another time. Live and learn.
I think that we accomplished what we set out to do.
The garbage was minimal, the medics were only needed for one dislocated shoulder, and the cut blocks were pretty well respected on Saturday.
Thanks again to Randy Swenson, Dusty Dancer, Stephen Janisch, Miles Oystryk, Steve Olson, Paul Gibbs, Shawn Hamilton, and Shane Head for your help and support. Thanks too, to the guys that helped tear down and store the flagging this weekend. It really was a group effort, Lori & Randy Zacaruk