Underpressure, curious to ask you two questions since you said you're an old hill climber.
1. You ever ride with the "Crazy Canadian" Dan Davidoff?
2. Your thoughts/opinions on how snowmobiling has changed from less climbing to more "hop overs", "bowties" "reentry's" or tree ballet as I sometimes refer to it as.
Yep! rode with him up in revolstoke at the big iron shootout in 2006 i think it was, Also shain stanger from twisted turbo. I was in a few of the vids back then just doing some random hill climbs at turbo hill and bull pin. Had my cmx removed from the mountain after i rolled it down the hill 1000ft by a chopper lol.Underpressure, curious to ask you two questions since you said you're an old hill climber.
1. You ever ride with the "Crazy Canadian" Dan Davidoff?
2. Your thoughts/opinions on how snowmobiling has changed from less climbing to more "hop overs", "bowties" "reentry's" or tree ballet as I sometimes refer to it as.
The riding style has changed a bunch and i think it is the machines that caused this. Back then we built mod sleds to climb big ****. When i got my cmx in 2005 it was a game changer for me, i now had a machine with 225hp and 430lbs!! it climbed great but allowed me to learn new riding styles because it was so light. I remember the first time i stood it up and pivoted it around on a climb people were amazed lol now it is the norm. The sleds are so good now that i noticed much less clutching and mod talk on here compared to the old days. I am in the process of putting my m1000 turbo back together, i blew up the diamond drive climbing a pull at mt baker on 22 psi boost hahah. Prob 400hp at that boost on c16 fuel. The sled is old and heavy now but if you can keep it pinned it will climb ANYTHING and that is the truth. Never ran out of power or track speed when it was turned up. I remember once in revy i was climbing turbo hill and looked down, 8400 rpm and 88 mph track speed at sabout 60 mph forward speed. Talk about a rush and arm pump. I miss the old days.