I just want to clarify my feelings a little here. The Albany parking lot needs help! Just the lot, the Albany Lodge and it's people that work there are, in my eyes, class A. If it wasn't such a great place, or at least a place that people like, we probably would not have these issues. The lodge is located in an almost perfect place, but we still all have to get along and follow some rules set by the forest service. 90% of the time I unload in the Albany lot, do my riding, and end up eating or drinking for a bit until I go down the hill, they have never been anything but good to me. If the berm would be put in place again, such as Ollie and many others have requested, I think a lot of the parking issues would clear themselves up, but the overnight parking is still a no-no as far as the forest service is concerned. I would love to park in Albany overnight to stay at the cabin a couple of days, but don't want my equipment towed, and really hate leaving my rig sitting on the side of the road in the fox park parking area, but when we stay at the cabin,we park by fox park. Let's all just get along, enjoy the gift we have here, and keep the Lodge going strong. Let's complain to the forest service to put the middle burm up, and then when we see someone parking a little stupid or parking their rigs for multiple days, kindly ask them to at least move it every day so it appears that they are not there overnight. And don't freak out on someone if they ask you to move your vehicle, just kindly ask why, and when told why, oblige, it will help us all. Clearing the lot every night definately helps the groomers keep a nice lot for all of us to enjoy. 38 more hours and i'm on the mountain!!! Whoo hooo