My nephew went for a short ride yesterday on the Idaho side. Plenty of snow, but the base dropped out of it, due to the warm weather and rain. It appears that it isn't gonna be powder until 7500-8000 feet. The best bet until we get another cooler storm, is going to be places that you can gain elevation quickly like, Squaw creek (4 miles up the Greys), Willow Creek out of Bedford, or the Smith Fork (south of Afton). The BTNF avalanche forecast has dropped from high to considerable. Below is todays forecast.
A cooler storm is predicted between now and Saturday.
Dangerous avalanche conditions exist as recent snow and strong wind has formed dense slabs 2-3 feet deep. Signs of instability may not be present before triggering a large avalanche that is capable of traveling far cross-slope or above you. Continued warming temperatures will further destabilize the snow. Seek less consequential terrain and avoid runout zones while the snowpack adjusts to the rapid loading and warming over the last four days.A cooler storm is predicted between now and Saturday.