Then you will be thrilled with either.
Poo has the chassis, they did it without any funky tracks or pivoting suspension. They got the geometry right, and it IS right, has been since 2011, it is the benchmark for mountain chassis'. The motor, not so much. But few have ridden the 2013, it is supposed to be better. Honestly, here is my take on it:
Ride big open areas, jumps, lots of trails, the Cat is really nice IF they got their problems ironed out. That thing is a trail ripping poor sidehilling trail sled with killer suspension. My first jump on mine was more comforatable and confident than any other sled.
Ride steep trees, lots of technical sidehill stuff, Pro is the way to go.
If you cannot deal with the Polaris motor issues (or perceived issues), then Doo it. In my opinion, Skidoo is throwing bandaids at a poor chassis design. (Compared to the Poo.) They are coming up with crazy tracks and suspensions to bridge the gap between this and the next chassis in an effort to keep customers from jumping to Poo. (Lots of T Motion and flexiwhateverthehelltheycallittracks at the dealership.)
Doo DEALERS have told me that until Doo redesigns and narrows up their chassis, they won't be able to hang with the Poosleds. But again, it comes down to riding style and area. Watch Boondockers 9, that is the type of riding we do here where I ride, and the Poo is the only one that can hang.