Regarding that clown in Georgia- for what its worth, he tried to keep people out of his classroom. It doesn't sound like he meant harm to anyone. Unfortunate situation with horrible timing! Anyways...
My wife is a teacher in a pretty rough school. Law enforcement is at the school at least weekly- in an elementary school! Full disclosure- its on a reservation lol. I (she as well) wish she could carry in the school for the protection of herself and those around her.
In a previous (nicer district) school, they actually drilled with the sheriff's dept. and were REQUIRED to carry a weapon in the classroom. Now, these weren't firearms, but things such as golf clubs, baseball bats, etc. At least you're not defenseless!
A big problem is bureaucracy within the districts. You can't just kick kids out of PUBLIC school just because they are troubled- unfortunately they still have a right to a public education, along with your children.
I honestly wish the old-school physical discipline was allowed. But then you'd have people trying to ban rulers because little Johnny $hithead cried when he got smacked with one... Maybe some character building would be good for the spineless youth?
But hey, she's just a red-blooded, patriotic Army veteran that's helping some extremely disadvantaged children... not some limp-wristed pu$$y lunatic trying to hurt kids.