right now the bulk of both those storms are going north. hopefully the sink down south a little bit. Logan should get good snow out of both of these as will star valley.
just gain elevation as fast as you can, head east to long mountain and watch for rocks! The uintahs are so freaking sweet when they have good snow coverage.
here is one photo album of the area
this picture is from the head of smith morehouse looking toward the north west
this is from the same ridge looking directly west at erickson basin
and this is the shot inbetween the two
from the same spot looking directly north at hells kitchen smith morehous would be the canyon coming up from the left
same spot now looking north east at long mountain. all this is rideable you just need to be careful with rocks.
so really you could come up smith morehouse and head south into erickson basin (playing in north bowls) or head east and hit long mountain (south west facing slopes) watch for rocks