Jello beaters also have trouble staying on topic Ph.D or not...Were talking about the TRA RAMPS.....And when yout tuning your TRA clicker down from #5 to #3 how does the ramp go from #5 to #3 if the ramp does not move?......Online enigeenering degree not required.
OT, Your not worth wasting any more time on so you can keep thinking your home brewed theory on how a Ski Doo TRA clutch works while your out collecting other peoples trash or pumping out porta-potties or what ever it is that you do and I'll keep doing what I do with my online degree as you call it. Enjoy....
So sorry that your thread had to be poluted with all of this trivial nonsense....I know it is summer and all. Keep up the great job and don't let those jealous individuals slow you down...cheers