Since the day I ordered this thing it has given me anxiety. Up until yesterday with not much snow. I finally was able to take it for its maiden voyage. My anxiety is now completely gone. Much easier to get on edge than the factory Polaris skid. I am coming off an alpha 1 which is as very easy to over ride. This skid takes more English than the alpha but is very predictable. I have never rode a mountain sled that has been so smooth. It eats bumps drifts and moguls like they are just snacks. Stock Polaris skid and even alpha were very Bucky. Yesterday it was not as playful as I would have liked. Would pull the skis 2-3’ but not as high as I had hoped. But moved forward easily. Was more playful than the rmk but not khoas like. I messaged Kevin as I had all settings set to the specifications he gave me. And instead of guess what to do I thought this would be the best bet. He messaged me back after normal business hours. And told me to switch shock to 1 and take 2 turns out of the spring. This thing today is now Rowdy almost scary. The lx 300 track is awesome gets on top easily and just continues to propel you forward. After today I will add another turn tighter back into spring and it should be good as now it will try and come over backwards on you. Down hill it works well you just have to figure out what the best position is. On the alpha I would have to barely lean to get it to go into a down hill. This takes a little more effort but not much. The stock Polaris takes much more muscle to get it to do what I want. Kevin has always answered my questions quickly and helped me with understanding how this coupled suspension works. If you’re looking for a sled that is so smooth and also playful the 5.5 skid checks the boxes. My son rode it as well and he is ready to buy this skid as well. It it’s not available in a 155” Just seems to do everything smoother and better than the factory skid with just minor adjustments. My biggest concern is finding a track if I tear it or wreck a rail. I know Kevin will get me the parts needed quickly but they are still not just sitting at your local dealer. Install yourself on this thing is not horrible either if you read instructions.
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