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Swing and a Miss - GOP allows Obama care to thrive

Jan 15, 2010
11k is based on a family of 4 with earnings at 120k. I looked it up to make sure I wasn't way off base and that was from 2015. I don't think the rest of the civilized world has it figured out and to be quite honest with you if I had a life threatening illness I would much rather be in the states then Canada when it comes to healthcare!
Our biggest problem is too many lazy f$cks!!! They're the only ones receiving affordable health care! The rest of us are paying for it!
Somewhere along the way people decided they are entitled to have all these things while they sit on their can!!! The folks with low cost insurance in the states were the same ones that never paid before. Same song... same dance! I think everyone is in agreement that we needed healthcare reform but not this! The money is not there to fund it! Again I say... politicians have no business running healthcare! They've ran this country in the ground and I'm not interested in them doing the same with regards to my health! If it works for you... great! I don't live in Canada.
I'm confused cuz in an earlier post you said your doctors visit was free but now you say nothing is free??? A deductible or limit of coverage is standard with every other form of insurance. Why would healthcare not be the same. We all have a similar situation with auto and homeowners ins. If a person has the money they can have the best of everything. That's life! I don't expect to have the same luxuries that a person making 20 mil a year has. I had an uncle who survived 5 years longer then the average lung cancer patient cuz he had the money to seek out the best care he could find! He worked hard his entire life and always had the best of everything.... including his healthcare. Life's not always fair and I don't need the government trying to make it fair. I can do that on my own!
We pay 700 a month for medical, dental and vision with a 2000 deductible. 20 copay for office visits . How much do you pay???

A little over a third of that with extended coverage for dental, visual and physio. In saying free I was referring to the fact that when you pay for coverage you don't have to pay again when you need to use that coverage.

Yea, I would criticize the mango messiah if he prayed on Easter, would be pretty hippocrytical for a so called Christian to advocate taking health care from the poor or those who are already sick. Plus I think a grown man looks kinda silly talking to his imaginary friend...


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
A little over a third of that with extended coverage for dental, visual and physio. In saying free I was referring to the fact that when you pay for coverage you don't have to pay again when you need to use that coverage.

Yea, I would criticize the mango messiah if he prayed on Easter, would be pretty hippocrytical for a so called Christian to advocate taking health care from the poor or those who are already sick. Plus I think a grown man looks kinda silly talking to his imaginary friend...

So you're saying for you and your wife/family you pay about 3k a year including your supplemental coverage? If that's the case you have the cheapest insurance in Canada!!! Are you really criticizing trump when you guys have Trudeau????
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Yea, I would criticize the mango messiah if he prayed on Easter, would be pretty hippocrytical for a so called Christian to advocate taking health care from the poor or those who are already sick. Plus I think a grown man looks kinda silly talking to his imaginary friend...

You just verified my presumption. Thanks.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Yup, I sure am!!!!!

then your employer or company is picking up some of that cuz the average Canadian pays more then that per person so your hiding something in your numbers! You had mentioned in a previous post that you didn't see why someone would buy insurance then have to pay out of pocket... correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive your supplemental insurance has limits that it pays out before you pick up the rest?


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Regardless of your answer the bottom line is it works for you. I know you've resided or at least had a business in the states and now are back in Canada. Do you have a dog in this hunt??? As a U.S. citizen WHO RESIDES HERE I have no desire to have your health care, your dollar, or your alcohol and gas prices. Some of the nicest people I've ever met are north of the border but I have no plans or desire to live there. Glad it's working for you. I'll stay here drinking my 75 cent keystone light while I clean my pistol and I'll get up tomorrow and go run my business so I can pay for my overpriced health care. If more people would get up and go to work we wouldn't even be having this conversation!!! The problem isn't the healthcare... it's the lack of desire to go out and be productive citizens!!!
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Jan 15, 2010
Regardless of your answer the bottom line is it works for you. I know you've resided or at least had a business in the states and now are back in Canada. Do you have a dog in this hunt??? As a U.S. citizen WHO RESIDES HERE I have no desire to have your health care, your dollar, or your alcohol and gas prices. Some of the nicest people I've ever met are north of the border but I have no plans or desire to live there. Glad it's working for you. I'll stay here drinking my 75 cent keystone light while I clean my pistol and I'll get up tomorrow and go run my business so I can pay for my overpriced health care. If more people would get up and go to work we wouldn't even be having this conversation!!! The problem isn't the healthcare... it's the lack of desire to go out and be productive citizens!!!

Sounds like your overpriced health care needs to provide you with some Prozac.

And I am a US citizen (Canadian too) and my whole extended family is there so yes, I do have a dog in this hunt.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If more people would get up and go to work we wouldn't even be having this conversation!!! The problem isn't the healthcare... it's the lack of desire to go out and be productive citizens!!!

This would fix all of our problems.

The leftminded, entitlement heavy, lazy friendly system has fostered the
"If I can't have the perfect job, I'm not gonna work" mentality.

Paying able-bodied, working age people for doing nothing, while talking about reducing social security benefits for those who have paid in their whole lives totally F'ed up!


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Back to the topic of government inefficiency...
One of the biggest problems in government operations vs real world private sector is the near impossibility of demoting or firing ineffective or unproductive staff.
The easiest way to get rid of an undesirable government employee is to recommend them for promotion out of your department.
So the old saying "F up and move up" truly applies.
For this reason there is an epidemic of incompetency of government personal, leading to total inefficiency.


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Aug 30, 2011
Back to the topic of government inefficiency...
One of the biggest problems in government operations vs real world private sector is the near impossibility of demoting or firing ineffective or unproductive staff.
The easiest way to get rid of an undesirable government employee is to recommend them for promotion out of your department.
So the old saying "F up and move up" truly applies.
For this reason there is an epidemic of incompetency of government personal, leading to total inefficiency.

Agreed and those that have gotten where they are by not what they know but who they know.
The "good ol boys" club can run deep.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Sounds like your overpriced health care needs to provide you with some Prozac.

And I am a US citizen (Canadian too) and my whole extended family is there so yes, I do have a dog in this hunt.

Doesn't that mean your extended family has a dog in the hunt??? If I remember right you get free healthcare. Thanks for answering my question about your supplemental coverage having limits and what portion of your healthcare your employer/business pays. No way are you getting healthcare and supplemental for your family for what you claim it costs!
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Jan 15, 2010
Doesn't that mean your extended family has a dog in the hunt??? If I remember right you get free healthcare. Thanks for answering my question about your supplemental coverage having limits and what portion of your healthcare your employer/business pays. No way are you getting healthcare and supplemental for your family for what you claim it costs!

Yea, you are right, what happens to my family doesn't matter to me at all, they are on their own. Every man for himself seems to be the new 'Murican way under the mango messiah...

Extended coverage does have limits, but it's extended and for things like physio and getting your eyes checked. If you poke your eye out and need emergency surgery you don't pay additional, but if you want to go read the eye chart it'll usuallt be split. Monthly outta pocket is around $300 for base and extended.

Here's an example-my sister had a kid in the us with good coverage. C section, 4 days hospital, follow ups etc and ended up with an outta pocket expense of over $20k. My kids birth was similar, 4 days hospital etc. Outta pocket cost-$0.

I'm in the unique position of having experienced both systems as a full participant, and there's no doubt which works better and costs far less based on my actual experience . Too bad it'll never happen down there


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Yea, you are right, what happens to my family doesn't matter to me at all, they are on their own. Every man for himself seems to be the new 'Murican way under the mango messiah...

Extended coverage does have limits, but it's extended and for things like physio and getting your eyes checked. If you poke your eye out and need emergency surgery you don't pay additional, but if you want to go read the eye chart it'll usuallt be split. Monthly outta pocket is around $300 for base and extended.

Here's an example-my sister had a kid in the us with good coverage. C section, 4 days hospital, follow ups etc and ended up with an outta pocket expense of over $20k. My kids birth was similar, 4 days hospital etc. Outta pocket cost-$0.

I'm in the unique position of having experienced both systems as a full participant, and there's no doubt which works better and costs far less based on my actual experience . Too bad it'll never happen down there

I never said family is not important or you shouldn't care! Your a dual citizen living in Canada. Thank god you can't vote here! I understand what your saying about supplemental but my point was you said you didn't see the point in paying for something then paying again. Which makes me wonder why you have it? Again you avoid answering the question of who picks up a portion of your healthcare payment? I wasn't interested in how much you paid. I was interested in how much your health care costs for you and your family? I've derailed this thread long enough so I'll stop! Sorry guys!!!
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Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
I'll give you that one, simply because there's so many factors, angles, priorities etc that it could be debated for infinity and still no concensus.

Why do we hire private investigators when the police cannot help due to their hands being tied through protocol?
What about private security?
Debatable as well, but not because of the government run system, but the policemen who took the job for no reason beyond wanting to help people.

I believe a private fire dept would be very competitive for equal or lower budget.

Many communities have been forced to go to privately owned ambulance services decades ago.

Postal service,
Several for profit parcel companies have thrived because the USPS is such an inefficient abortion of a system.

I stand by my generalization that anything the government can do, the private sector can do much more efficiently.
USPS is far cheaper and more efficient than UPS or FEDEX

You might think private fire does a better job, show me an example. The privately owned ambulances offer worse care for more money. It exemplifies the issues we have with healthcare. They don't do a better job, they charge more than publicly funded county ambulances and they usually have it in their contract to take you to X-Hospital even if you tell them you want to go to a different one.

Private investigators are hired by attorneys in private civil cases. There is a market for that but police work is publicly funded
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