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Swing and a Miss - GOP allows Obama care to thrive


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Ahh yes, his taxes. Lets focus on that. A friend of mine said he couldn't vote for a guy that doesn't pay his taxes. All I said was....and you trust and really think Clintons books are on the up and up! :face-icon-small-dis

I guess it comes down to how many tax shelters someone worth $1.2 billion can afford as apposed to someone worth $35 million can afford now doesn't it

My guess is the person worth 1.2 billion can afford better tax attorneys then someone worth $35 million but i would be naive to think that both don't take advantage not paying their fare share as do most 1% do. And yet both still fully expect to take advantage of what other people's taxes provide for.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I'm listening to him right now!
What a great man!
We are lucky to finally have a truly good President!


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! :face-icon-small-hap

I hope you are right, but I personally doubt it. bholmlate makes several good points. One being those taxes were leaked on purpose and I have to believe it was someone in the Trump inner circle. As far as not releasing his recent tax info because it's under audit is complete BS. That's what's he really doesn't want, IMO. Now he want's to gut the EPA. Apparently now the great lakes restoration money is on hold...hmmm. 20% of the worlds fresh water is in the great lakes. 10% in lake Superior alone. And of course he want's to cut funding to public TV and radio, our best unbiased access to information. He is the single biggest threat to the first amendment since Abraham Lincoln. :clock:
Feb 29, 2016
Public tv and radio unbiased? NOW THAT IS SOME FUNNY CHIT!!!

No wonder you clowns were Hillary supporters...hook line and sinker.
Jan 15, 2010
No wonder you clowns were Hillary supporters...hook line and sinker.[/QUOTE]

You guys are cracking me up. ive never heard more BS from a public figure in my life and you say a Hillary supporter bought it hook line and sinker. Have you been in a cave the last few months? Buuut the inauguration crowds were the yuuuugest everrrr... Obama wiretapped me, millions and millions of illegal voters, healthcare for everyone... the ****ty part is this really isn't funny anymore. He has zero credibility, boy who cried wolf x10000, he just makes stuff up as needed and then makes his poor minions defend it.

If there is a real issue that demands action are you actually gonna know if you should believe the orange man?


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Public tv and radio unbiased? NOW THAT IS SOME FUNNY CHIT!!!

No wonder you clowns were Hillary supporters...hook line and sinker.

I doubt you even listen to public radio. You are probably too busy listening to Rush Lumnuts. Now there is a good news source.
I for one am not a Hillary or Trump supporter. You definitely sound like the perfect example of hook line and sinker. Or should I say sucker.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
We just got 5" of snowman building snow. Mafesto, did you only do the one trip to Saratoga this season?

Wanting desperately to squeeze in another, but these boats ain't gonna sell themselves!

We got about 8" from that last system, but melting fast.
Looking like my year may be over.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Back to topic, we should learn today if "TrumpCare" passes or fails.
I am hoping it fails.
He was elected on the promise of repealing osamacare, not watering it down.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Here is were it gets a little confusing for me. Now that there doesn't seem to be any proof of "wiretapping" news breaks about the plans for healthcare reform which seems to be causing quite a commotion in Washington for some reason.

What's your theory now that it turns out there was wire tapping going on?


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
waiting to see how the republicans will save face when they lose the healthcare vote. It was obviously postponed because it is a bigly disaster
Jan 15, 2010
Winning bigly... what a joke. The great deal maker sure is killing it...

As for the wire tapping allegations, one of the stupidest things anyone has ever brought on himself. Anything that may have occurred seems to be 100% legal, and all this is doing is bringing the collusion into the forefront even more. The FBI has been investigating since July so I would be more surprised if communications weren't intercepted. I just hope they got enough to bring the great pumpkin down.

This guy ran on draining the swamp and all it's been is lies and deciet. Party and personal goals over the good of the people. And don't give me that BS about "Hillary lied" or "Obama lied too". That's not the point. This clown ran on ending the BS and all he has done is wallowed in a giant steamy pile of it.

And he has the gall to blame the dems for it not passing when he has an overwhelming majority...winning bigly alright
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Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Still believe it's a distraction tactic to take attention off the now debunked Healthcare Bill and the investigation into Trumps ties to Russia. Trump's buddy Nunes even said in a press conference interview that the new information does nothing to prove Trumps claim for being Wire tapped. So until i hear that they have proof I will continue to think its just BS If you want to think otherwise by all means.

winter brew

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Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
The GOP did a piss-poor job of communicating the "big picture" to the public and even to their fellow senators.
This was supposed to be the first of 3 bills that would make up the "new" health insurance plan. Reconciliation rules limit what sort of items can be contained in a bill, so they must be addressed separately.
This bill by itself would have been a disaster, of course it didn't pass.
The 2nd and 3rd bills are to address drug prices, Medicare issues created by the first bill, free up ins co's to sell across state lines and tailor a plan to an individuals needs, make premiums tax deductible etc...all to bring down costs and more people into the system.
Without presenting the whole package (which isn't even written yet), and letting the CBO grade just the first bill there was no way they would get this passed.
It's almost like the GOP didn't want to get this done. :face-icon-small-con
They need to put together a complete plan, present it to the CBO before anyone else. Let them grade it and see if the numbers look better than what we have now. If not, go back to the drawing board.


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Nov 16, 2005
It's time to swallow the idea of a single payer system. I'm good with giving care to our citizens. My kid who is 3 months old was sick. I took her in and we determined nothing was needed, wait it out. It was nice to know for sure. Worst case scenario, kid gets sick, parents don't have insurance. They wait for so long to get kid into medical care that it turns into something very serious, they finally take kid to emergency room, kid needs ton of care. Parents cant pay, hospital/tax payer eats the bill.

We have a single payer system, kid gets sick, parents take kid into doctor. Doctor prescribes antibiotics, kid gets healthy, never has to go to expensive ER. Everyone happy.

Leaches are gonna leach. No reason the average working class family should struggle so much with a basic necessity.

We need to curb the pharmaceutical companies and limit medical lawsuits. It's fine if they cut off the wrong damn leg, to sue the doctor/surgeon. If you weigh 350 lbs and are a fat bastard, if you die on the operating room table because your heart needs cut open you don't have a right to sue.

black z

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Feb 2, 2014
Prescription drugs and their cost are the main problem. The whole system is broken.
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