OK, so yesterday I was writing post arguing that the Central Roller Arms would be a vast improvement over just running an arm with more tip weight and I ended up talking myself in a circle. Here’s the original post as I was going to write it:
It's not quite the same thing though Ski-Dooin' it. Where the weight lies in relation to centerline is what matters. Imagine you're trying to spin as fast as you can with your arms out. The first time you try you have 5 lbs of bean bags in your pockets. Not too bad. The next time you're holding 5lb weights in your outstretched arms. Much more difficult.
The more centralized the mass the easier it is to create rotation - RPM's. The further out (ie: more tip weight) the more difficult it is to rotate. Now it probably sounds like I just said tip weight is bad... and these new arms are worse! They're not.
At least they shouldn't be. When you calculate the force an arm exerts on the ramp you calculate the force vector from the center of the arm's mass. In most arms the center of mass is about 1/2-3/4 of the way up the arm.
And then I stopped typing and realized extra tip weight might just have the same effect as more weight over all in reducing the ability of the motor to rotate… this didn’t seem right to me (and still doesn’t) but here I am.
Two Leavers
Stock Arm:
Central Roller Arm:
OK, bad drawings I know. Each arm swivels on the left and is pulled down by centri***al force at the ‘V’. The ‘O’ is the roller.
If both of these arms weigh exactly the same, is more force exerted at the stock arm roller or the central arm roller? Or is it exactly the same? I need an engineer to take a look at this as I haven’t touched force vectors since University.