Well-known member
So the "steam roller" arms are in! Having a firmware issue with my computer getting the pics to transfer. I will try different other options to get them uploaded. So back to the install, they were a breeze to put in without too many issues. Now I am putting them in a 07 XRS 151 hoping to resolve the issues. Unable to give a snow test report due to a major lack of snow in the Sierras, but the engagement is right at 4200 and it heads up to 8000 and seems to hold. Now that is without a load and while running on a stand. Now the other point that the guy who makes these pointed out was quicker shift points and from what I can tell on the stand is the it is very quick to respond to throttle changes. Let off the throttle and hammer it down and it has no lag. Cannot wait for snow.
The only issue that I noticed during install was the mount point roller was a bit snug fitting into the new arm and did require some time with some 200 grit sandpaper. After that the arms moved free and without any binding.
The only issue that I noticed during install was the mount point roller was a bit snug fitting into the new arm and did require some time with some 200 grit sandpaper. After that the arms moved free and without any binding.