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Snowest Mlk Ride???


Anthony Oberti

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2001
Eagle, ID
Problem is, I'm not sure when you are joking or just being a prick. But you are right, just like the old days, Silvertip is leading one group. Probelm is, we/I have personally invited 12 people from out of town, plus a few of our buddies from around here, so inviting more and more people was going to make a ride real difficult. I hate to see guys that are traveling over 400miles come out here and then get turned around or lost in a herd becuse we can't keep track of everyone. They are coming out here to have a good ride and see the area. Nothing personal......there are a ton of guys on here I want to ride with and meet, A LOT!! Fortunately, we all meet at Round and get the chance to do just that. And it's not a extreme vs. easy ride thing, just simple numbers here. There should be a few guys coming in from both sides that know the area, so I am not concerned about people getting lost or not being able to see the area. I really don't see there being any problems, just you stirring the pot(as usual) Good?
Jan 10, 2008
New Rider

Hello everyone. I am a new rider and my name is Marvin Milkdud. I am new to the sport and I just bought a super fast ripen sled to ride from the sled dealer…it’s a 2- up Trail sled that can ride two riders at one time. I thought was a way cool feature….most of you guys I can see don’t have that……but that’s cool…not everyone can have what I got. Anyways the dealer dude said it was a 121 track with ½ inch lugs what ever that means……all I know is he said it was the best track you can get and is supper fast and will climb hills that others only dream of climbing. I am totally thinking when he tells me this that with this sled and me riding it I can go anywhere I want……I have really cool riding gear except for the gloves that my grandmother makes me wear……they are kind of corny looking because they have flowers on them but hey they keep my hands really warm and that what its about right?? And I saved a little money on the helmet I already have one I wear……ohh did I mention I live in NAPA…..I have already taken it for a ride and the dealer dude was right my sled is so fast you have to run along the side of it when you first start out and then jump on it to get going……the track is that fast that it just spins so you like need to give it help when you start. There were some people looking at me and I know for sure they wished they were riding my sled.

This MLK ride thing sounds like a pretty cool thing to go on I know I would be just the guy that when these Team Summit guys see me they would probably just want to run over and sign me up to their team with out seeing my riding “SKILLS”

Well AO I see that your group is full and you are worried about people getting stuck (and I hear ya there not everyone has skills like you and I huh….) but I think I would be a asset to the group with my extreme trail sled and especially with that 121 long track with ½ lugs. I mean just imagine if you get stuck climbing a hill….I could give you a ride over on mine!! No pressure just something to think about. I will be there early and you can’t miss me I have glasses and my sled is purple and pink. Ohhh I know what your think with the pink sled…….no that’s not it is just that the dealer dude said the person that owned it before hit a tree and that hood was off of a 120 kids sled….but it gives it better aero dynamics to get better top end is what he said. Like I said once you see my sled you will know I mean business. Anyways I will look forward to meeting you guys and riding with you.




Anthony Oberti

Well-known member
Jul 4, 2001
Eagle, ID
Tabasco.....now there is something worth reading!!! Great post!!!! I think you are headed down the right course.....you'll be famous by the end of the season. Look out Dan Gardiner....Tabsaco is in the house!!!! See you up there buddy.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Tobasco I like your style, since your new at riding a 2 up and my old 440 is broke can I ride along? 2 small guys like us should be able to keep up with the big guys!!!! If not we can bust ther ars on the big hills!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Premium Member
Jul 3, 2001
Nevada City Calif
Time to Take an EDGE off

NOW this is some funny SH*T

T I almost fall out of my chair reading this.

I think you and SnowDevil would look gook on your new sled. :beer;
Jan 9, 2003
Sparks, Nevada
WHAT?????? Raymond you are riding Sonora on Sun and Mon of the forum ride? Or this sun mon?? Just curious...

Man there is some serious testosterone flying around this thread these days... I think I will add a litte estrogen to calm it down a bit!! Ride hard Boyz and Girlz!!!
PS. I appologise if this is offending to any of the younger viewers..
Nov 30, 2007
WHAT?????? Raymond you are riding Sonora on Sun and Mon of the forum ride? Or this sun mon?? Just curious...

Man there is some serious testosterone flying around this thread these days... I think I will add a litte estrogen to calm it down a bit!! Ride hard Boyz and Girlz!!!
PS. I appologise if this is offending to any of the younger viewers..

This Sunday, silly;)
You up for the big hills, my brother is bailing 'cause of his Cowboys playing.
His priorities are all messed up LOL


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Eagle Point, OR
Knock it off Girls! Let's have a good time and let our skills and sleds kick it out for the ride! I'm bringing the MCXpress Nytro and Might bring the Boondocker Apex. Looking to have a good time, meet a few more top notch peeps and see some guys I haven't seen in awhile........ Gonna kick some two stroke *** also....... Did I say that out loud? Sorry...
Apr 13, 2003
Discovery Bay, CA
Here we go again!!!!!!

:rolleyes:Anthony, Can I have steak & eggs Saturday morning? Wally & I will be there about 5AM ;)

Better not pick on you 2 or I'll get introuble again.

Hey, Tobasco -- run into any gas tanks at the top of the skislope yet this year? You actually gonna show up? Wally & I'll be at Bassett's Friday afternoon if anyone wants to ride then.

Where the h@ll is Sean????

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