Dusty, Jeff, John Doug, Tony, Chris, Tabasco, Willis, Redline, Todd, Don, J-Lowe, AO, BK.......hell you know the drill.... for just going into my 3rd season that was the most my adrenaline that has EVER flowed even with 13 years racin desert...Cutler puts together one hell of a machine...Dereks (Attitude) controller was the ticket...I gotta say when I took the first hit at it...she was chokin from the extra oil and runnin fat.... was up until 4:30 am Friday makin the preps on a brand new jug and top end.....Redline Bill helped me do a quick swap on the plugs and right b4 takin that line it fell flat on it's face...frankly scared the crap outttta me cause I just knew it was gonna puke on me...but once I was in and committed that EZ-Ride and motor just freakin railed (hero snow didn't hurt) but cheese and crackers that was an awesome hill and long...Dusty had you not given me the ego nudge I woulda been sittin on the seat watchin........great seein everyone and really hope to be able to ride with you guys again soon.........J-Lowe.......great show up from the TS guys