another beautiful day saturday, 2 weekends in a row with sunny blue skies. i can remember whole seasons when i didn't get that many

unloaded on the east end of kelsay again, the last mile or so was getting pretty deep but hero hopped us all the way. unloaded to snowmobile tracks heading up the hill, wth? peeps tearing up our fresh pow??? luckily got up to linda lake and they had turned around, yeah!!! love ripping fresh snow, you can always tell where i've been because theres not a straight line anywhere. sure i've really pissed off more than one trail rider

got to the top of kelsay and saw no one had headed north so off to tipanongas we went. snow very nice couple feet+ up on top, if you've got to ride the road is nice to have enough to carve the whole day! had a little lunch at the snowshelter, fed the birds, i wonder if its the same ones every year. left a little message above the sign in book, so if you go there check it out. decided to head to the picnic table after that, got to the bottom road and hunters had gone all the way to the top

sucked because was the best snow by far up there, was soooo fluffy and light, was at least a foot more than anywhere else, ummmmm creamy snow. got to the table and my phone rings, its turtlehead, they had gotten up late and were back at the bottom of kelsay so we decided to meet at the top of the loop. man wanted to boondock sooooooooo bad from the picnic table to the goat road, the snow was so nice up there and was calling my name, don't know how many more times i'm gonna be able to resist the urge. did do a little boondocking trying to do a shortcut at the top of the goatroad, but ran into some downed 4 footers and didn't think jumping them would be a good choice

don't need a stump sticking in the bottom of my sled. met up with ted and dave and headed down the white lightning road but a couple miles down hunters had come up so when we hit their tracks we turned around and headed up to the top of the actual kelsay mt. have only actually got to the top a few times, there are always trees down somewhere on the way up. the view from up there is awesome! dave somehow was almost out of gas so he and ted had to head back. me and hero decided to try and cut across the loop but got to the where the road is zipped and there just wasn't enough yet to make it. so we headed up to charlie field, man more pow like up by the picnic table. love one skiing around those 90 degree corners, feels almost like a dream. was dusk by now so we decided to head back to the truck. when hero pulls up i had the trailer tilted and he pulls half way up and stops, he caught a boulder on the way down from charlie field and bent his right side a-arms back about 4 inches, ouch!!! also tore a huge hole in his coat, not a good way to end the day. anyone got a extra set of rev a-arms??? besides the carnage at the end was a great day. checked out the forcast and heavy rain on tuesday and thursday, temps were a little high but still below 50, was thinking about skipping this weekend but if it builds good during the week got a couple of places i owe some tracks to

will keep my fingers crossed and be doing my best snow dance all week!!! got some good pics for ya'...
hi everyone!!!
tipanongas snowshelter, says reservations required through november
hero tearing it up, he's becoming a carving fool!
heres one of bailey and thielsen from the top of charley field, i'm using it as my wallpaper...