thank you susie, me and the precious appreciate that!!! well what can i say about this weekends ride, it just keeps getting better. headed up to hoodoo this weekend because the medford mangina riders left me high and dry

lake cruzin and open houses are just not for me, and leaving early to watch a football game??? did you guys spend all your coin on the new sleds so can't afford to buy a dvr? oh the shame!!! drove gerbils, my little 4cyl toyota, up to tedd's house in creswell and road up with him. thank god cause gerbils only goes about 55mph on the flats towing the trailer. stopped at the rustic skillet and had a little breakfast with zookiracer and his bud. then headed to the snowpark. we started out with 6 in our group, hit the trail, beautiful untracked snow, and had a blast ripping the road up to sand mt. actually enough snow to tear up the hill, so we started. after a little while of sidehilling and a couple of trips to the top decided to take the back road down and loop back around. me and tedd, aka TODD, got to the top first and sat there and waited. noticed one of the revs was stuck on the way up and figured they were just getting him unstuck. waited a couple more and decided the phazer probably wasn't going to make it up so we went ahead and looped the road back around to the bottom. got back and they were hooking up the stuck rev to the other rev for a tow home. guess he had siezed the motor. first carnage of the day, and we had only been out for maybe an hour. it gets worse for the skidoos, on the tow back the running rev hit something and smashed one of his sidepanels, a little more carnage. while they were hooking up for the tow home me and the precious did a couple of one hand one skied pulls up to the top. had been waiting to get the new mods up a climb and especially wanted to see if all the hype about the powerclaw was true. let me tell you the track flat out hooks up!!! where i would have been buried with my challenger the claw just keeps digging. so much so was not affraid to switch back on the way up a few times. track just keeps pushing you forward, gives you the confidence to keep heading up instead of leveling here and there to gain more speed and then cut up. know i would have been pinned and trenching the last 1/3 of the hill with the challenger and never actually had to pin it anywhere to keep climbing, priceless

the track with the combo of pipe, intake and clutching has most defiantley raised the bar. decided we had pushed our luck enough so our group down to 4 headed out through the rock pit and off to destinations unknow. found our way through to the road the heads to little naches snowpark, i think they should have named it little nachos. on the way there tedd was in the lead, so i come around on corner and there sits his polaris solo in the middle of the road! i'm thinking where in the heck did he go? maybe decided to take a whiz? got right up to the sled and felt a little embarassed, seems tedd and his sled were having an intimate moment and he was the b!tch

seems somehow in the middle of the road without a rock or stump in sight tedd had flown over the front of his sled and the polaris had mounted him face down in the snow!!! figured they were finished since there was white stuff all around the sled

i did hear some moaning, man that sled was really into him, had to pull the thing off!!! hopefully there was some sort of protection involved, i guess tedd did have his helmut on so susie won't have to worry about any small sleds showing up in the garage. try explaining that one to the little woman! so while we were there letting tedd recoup from his little fling zooki checks his belt on the apex and theres a chunck missing and no spare, he figured it'd last so we continued on our journey. went and checked out little nachos and then back to looking for untouched pow. got a few miles from the snowpark and zookis oneskiing around a corner and poof goes the belt

luckily the phazer had a spare and it fit the apex, imagine that. don't know if we would have had enough rope to tie the other 3 sleds together to tow the yami home

now that was low! so we continued on tearing up every road along the way, got to the end of one and the road went up a incline on a sidehill with some pretty big drifts. zooki decides to show us the mobility of the fourstroke and hits the hill. around a tree and he loses his line and boom, the apex is buried. took all the restraint i had not to go right around him and to the top, but figured if i got bumped wrong may have ended up on his hood. got him unstuck and did a little boondocking up through the trees while they were working on getting the phazer unstuck. was enough snow to get off trail but you had to be careful, sure felt good, trees are where my home is

and god knows i love my home!!! love the technical stuff, takes a little more skill and finess than just pinning it and heading up the hill, it felt sooooooo goooooood. got back to the road checked to make sure there was nothing sticky in my bibs

and back to shredding the roads. was getting late and i got out voted so we headed back. i guess tedds sled was not a gentle enough lover and had put a hurt to his shoulder. i guess thats what happens when you decide to get intimate with a 500 pound lover

got back to the snowpark and boondawgee and a couple of his buds were there with a couple of 450's with the track conversion. thought we had heard motorcycles or quads while we were sitting up on the hill. asked if i wanted to take one out for a spin, decided this was probably not the best idea, had survived the day without injury, why risk it now. so we loaded up and hit the road. they sure know how to plow the roads up there, 3-4 plows in a row. a little different than busting through 10 inches of pow on the way up to diamond lake because they seem not to be able to plow until about lunch time

3rd ride of the year and it just keeps getting better and better. great start to this season, hopefully the snow will keep building and will get back to spending my time cruizing the trees. a couple of pics, can't wait for this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!