you know i was gonna have a milkshake last night but there was no ice cream! i guess great minds think alike

had to settle for a glass of chocolate milk. what kind did you have, i'm an old south fudge pie guy myself. -20

its a warm balmy 13 here right now. can't wait to head to the shop and freeze my buns off for another day, seems a terrible waste of cold with no precip!!!!!
been surfing the swapmeet for a skid, guess maybe i should get a supertrax mag or american snowmobiler. probably have better luck looking in the flatlander magazines. what track do you think would work best??? i wonder if studs would be a good idea

hey when you get a chance would love to see an action pic of the "gulley" jump. have heard you've got that one already setup.
diva, always like to ask peeps who have lived in alaska if they snowmobiled when they lived there. you know most of them didn't until they moved down here. i guess when you live in it for months at a time it just doesn't seem as fun to go and play in it.