Skookum has been closing after March 31st for a few years now. It was when the USFS did the revised MGMT plan of the Chugach and we ALL wrote our letters and we ALL showed up to make comments in person right?
IF my memory is correct, there was less then a dozen of us fighting to keep the areas open. In the end, we kept some ground, lost some ground and even a timeshare in some areas with the non-motorized users.
Please do not 'Blow up Carl's phone' as he has nothing to do with the decision that was made by MGMT several years ago. What you can do is be involved in the future when the area comes under revision again (10 years) and quit riding in areas that are closed. Take down those photos of last year and DO NOT RIDE EAST of the railroad tracks after March 31st or we will loose it forever!
Our Gov. has no leverage on the USFS at a national scale, trust me I know someone who has been there with the state vs the feds in the Chugach battle on another issue. Tens of thousands of dollars to lawyers, lobbist in Washington DC, and visits to the director of the USFS in DC with support from the Vice President (Chaney) and still nothing. Trust me, calling Carl is not going to do anything but piss him off and give motorized users a worse name.
Once again the closure has nothing to do with the Heli guys (CPG), D1 and rocks on the edge of the road or even snow cover/pack. Please follow all openers and closures, the USFS wont have camers or staff to guard the valley after closure but they will be watching it, just like the East side of Turnagain Pass. MOST of us stay out of there right? I will pledge to let everyone know when the next revision is coming up.