i would have been interested in comparison between the xp and the xm...when snow gets that set up, i usually start losing interest in riding...i think a guy has to evaluate where it is he likes to ride most, or where he actually does most of his riding...no question, the poo works best in tight trees, but when it starts to open up a bit, with deeper snow, and steeper, the doo starts gettting into its' advantageous conditions...in more open steep and deep, the doo shows its' stuff, and makes the poo not so shiney...yeh, i guess i also would have a bit of a problem with taking someone elses' sled and treating it that way (tree wrecks)...if i couldn't ride it well enough in those conditions to avoid the trees, maybe back off a bit and ride more open places...i think several others on this thread kind of agreed with wbs' accessment, although he maybe could have sugar coated it some...the video was cool, i would have liked some commentary on why he felt he was having problems with sled control reletive to the poo or xp to xm..although i like riding tight trees also, i ride a lot of way different areas in 3 states frequently, and was thinking the xm might handle a composit of those areas better than the poo....just thinking...