I don't mean to oversimplify this, but we aren't going to solve the Mexican problem, until "they" solve the Mexico problem. I can say latin american, but we all know that its a Mexican thing to most Americans. Thats fine, send these illegal criminals back wince they came. Once you get these 12 million violent criminals herded out of the country, get to work mowning your lawn. When your done with that gut those cattle, pigs and chickens for slaughter. After that, then get out there and hand pick some lettuce, wash my car and if you have a second then clean me a table down to the Applebees. Oh and if you bought a "track" home in the last two years, you can thank them for that too.
Go ahead all you titans of the keyboard, start carving on me. However, before the hating begins understand that the reason this problem exists is because our country is a heck of a draw for people seeking a better life. Not every person who flits across the border illegally is sucking down your tax dollars. I'll submit to you all that there are just as many card carrying aliens here committing crimes. Where I'm from it isn't the young men and women here illegally that are out gang banging. Typically they are here to work, earn money and try to raise up there families back home.
All of them, of course not. Do some of these people bring drugs, you bet. But I can assure you that if drugs are flowing into this country, its because there is a market for it. If all you tough on crime types want to start cleaning house, why don't you start with the scrap yard that buys copperwire, but doesn't require any identification, and pays in cash. This is a great example of a multitude of crimes. Theft, receiving stolen property, tax evasion for starters. Call the police on the neighbors that are peddling dope down the road. Oh, and all of you that occasionally partake in the tree or a little nose candy and pay someone else for it, STFU, some "greaser" taking your job is the least of your worries. Cranksters are a far bigger threat to your community than a couple of "taco benders". I've grown up around mexican folks and the like and most are hard working God fearing people. I know just as many rotten "crackers" as rotten anybody else's.
As an employer, I know that some of these dudes that have worked here are probably wet. I get two forms of ID, I fill out the paperwork and as far as the EDD, DOJ and US Treasury is concerned, we are good to go. When people work for me they are paid for the job that they do, plus I pay taxes, comp and in some cases insurance. For the most part, the men (and women) are hard working. Although over the years I see a softening of the work force, but that I see in every color of people.
As to the job market, there aren't going to be a lot of whities wanting to do manual labor. I've hired guys that thought it was an outrage to have to sit in an air-conditioned piece of equipment more than forty hours a week. If thats what you do for a living, that great. But if you come up in my farm with that weak azzed talk, I'll laugh you off the ranch. Those of you farmers and independent operators know "that guy". They whine about this that and the other. They are unreliable and know so much more than you or I do. But these are the dudes that are the first to complain about job loss when "Jose" wheels in 10 mins ahead of time, lunch in hand - and we are making dust at 2 minutes after six in the morning. I don't give a hoot if you're white, brown or green - you want a days pay, you do a days work.
Now for the goverment and Carter v Reagen v Bush v Clinton v Bush. Under each regieme my family has come out a little stronger. We expect government policy to lead us to riches - but then complain about the goverment. These people aren't going to do squat for you. You are going to have to do it your self. How many times have we heard that such and such or so and so is closing forests, raise taxes, limiting freedoms. Hello people, you Rep or Sen is in the same house. Break away from the max thread once in a while and check out your legilators voting record. Write them, visit them. Tell them what you think. If all of us spend half the time we spend here, carving each other up, on legilative awareness, we'd all be a lot better informed.
Want to complain about something, ask your elected officals what they're doing with the extra tax they are earning at the pump. The price has doubled so should have the revenues if its a percentage. What about your tires, tracks, tools, trucks, cars, graders, dozers, parts, etc. OUR and I strees our government at all levels is increasing revenues, but still can't get by? We put them there - I guess
we have no sense about how to run a country. I know exactly what some of you are saying about immigration, but booting 12 million people out of the country will take 214500 bus trips to the border. I'm not sure we can afford the diesel.
I'm not trying to marginalize the problem, but I hate kid touchers and drug dealers and theives more than someone who is working, paying rent and going to church - whether they have a green card or not.
Flame away!