You must not know many illegals.
I don't know many other criminals either.
Doesn't mean I want to forgive their crimes.
Let me make something perfectly clear. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding. So listen carefully.
I don't care how wonderful they are.
I don't care how much they want to be here.
I don't care how great they work.
I don't care if they are better people than half the americans.
I care about the law.
They broke the law.
They invaded our country, chit on our laws, they demand we change our country to better suit them and the country they are claiming they want to escape and then have the nerve to DEMAND we let them get away with it.
Bite me.
Not gonna happen without a fight.
Now, that being said.
I would be open to allowing the law abiding criminals (there's an oxymoron for ya) to stay under certain conditions.
1. The total number of illigals given amnesty count against the normal inflow of legal immigrants. That is to say, if we allow 14 million immigrants into the US each year and they grant amnesty to 14 million illigal immigrants, then you freeze all immigration for any reason for that year. If they grant amnesty to 28 million, then freeze it for 2 years.
2. They (the ones granted amnesty) are barred from EVER bringing anyone into this country for any reason with the exception of husband/wife and kids (proven by DNA test paid for by the parents). The kids will also be barred from sponcering anyone to come to this country for life.
3. Any illigal given amnesty must prove they were here for at least 5 years and show a work history. Pay any and all back taxes AS WELL AS FINES.
4. There is a 5 year probation period. If they commit any crimes other than misterminer (sp?) such as speeding and stuff, then their amnesty is forfeit and they are deported.
5. They are NOT elligibal for medicaid, medicare, SS or the rest until they have paid in the necessary quarters JUST LIKE US. As it is, they are eligible the instant they illigaly set foot in our country.
6. The politicians have put forward that they should pay a fine. That is BS. It will never happen. The bleeding heart liberals will scream it is to much of a burden and drop it, JUST LIKE LAST TIME. So instead, anyone over the age of 18 that is granted amnesty will do community service to the tune of 300 hours a year for every year they can were here illigally.
That is called actually having repercussions for your actions. The current system is set up to reward anyone given amnesty and I will fight it with any and every means to stop it.
You may now call me every name in the book and red rep me. I don't care. You don't come into america and the first thing you do is break our laws then demand we give you the most precious thing our country has to offer.
You go back and watch the coverage of the day without immigrants marches. You see how many american flags were flying vs how many mexican flags were flying. Then you go to LaRanza's home and read up. Educate yourself. Their STATED goal is to get enough mexicans into this country to take over the politcal system. Think I am kidding. Go read it yourself. This amnesty under the current rules is a HUGE step in that direction.