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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
From day one it was refuse and resist. Attacked every single day in the media, fabricated stories constant negative headlines everyday and ignoring any achievements . Trump was never given a chance like him or not he got a raw deal. Now the dems want unity. Biden/harris should get the same treatment imo.

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Wow, 8 million more votes and two of his previous campaign managers indicated for fraud... do I see a pattern? Might find fraud alright, just not the kind you want to see.

but don’t worry, uncle Rudy is on it. He can’t even figure out which 4 seasons to go to and ended up in a landscape supply parking lot between a sex shop and a crematorium... don’t tell me that was planned, mango himself tweeted that there was a “big press conference at The Four Seasons “ (since deleted). Straight outta Borat 2...

I honestly hope you guys down south get through the next couple months in one piece. Donny is gonna kick up a hornets nest based on lies, deceit and no real evidence because deep down he has no balls and is incapable of facing reality . This could get really ugly.
I want trump no question, but i want a fair election. That is the difference. Dems are most corrupt ever imo. Already seen it on supreme court hearings. They are willing to do anything to win. Change the rules, cheat, false accusations at the last second of the last minue of the last day if you had legit stuff you would have came with it out of the gate. My daughter tries that to win a game but she is 10. I'm willing to let this play out for the good of the country. Guilty people don't want you to see the evidence. Innocent people do. To many crazy irregularities to not look at it.
As far as your lame 8 million vote defense, let it play out. That your sad way to try downplay 8 million more votes which i bet is historic. That is a red wave. My mother in law had a lame statement like yours over him donating his salary. That measly 170,000, big deal. I told her its not 170. It is more like 425 or 450 for life. She has never made even close to either. She, like you, is some that really has no argument. Someone who is just clouded by her hatred of trump.
Tump will win Pennsylvania. Unconstitutional period.what happens in the rest, i don't know. They counted mail last to know what they needed to beat it. If 450 k just had president on it, that is fishy. You also don't go up just shy of 200k, overnight, and not one trump vote. You won't convince me there wasn't fraud but i think the fix is in. Ballots already separated from secrecy envelope. The also didn't follow allito's order right away. Going to be really hard to prove now. As far as you saying no balls i think you should lpull your skirt up and see he has what you don't. He's took on everyone. Said the things that needed said that nobody else would. Did the tough things nobody else would. Doesn't just fold to masks or climate change because your praised governmentalized science says so. He has something greater than balls. Common sense. That is something you can't teach.
May 2, 2013
From day one it was refuse and resist. Attacked every single day in the media, fabricated stories constant negative headlines everyday and ignoring any achievements . Trump was never given a chance like him or not he got a raw deal. Now the dems want unity. Biden/harris should get the same treatment imo.
Wrong. Good example is this. Chappelle spoke for a lot of us. We didn't trust Trump but we will give him a chance. It didn't take long for that trust to be eroded.



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Feb 27, 2008
Dear Vice President Biden,
Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.
I remember four years ago President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration.
I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on President Trump's campaign.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump.
I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trump's beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump.
I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump.
This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party.
This Trump supporter will be giving you the same respect you gave my President Trump.
May 2, 2013
Trump has common sense? Lol

You mean the silver spoon millionaire son who ruined businesses, cheats at everything, uncontrollably lies, and brags about himself constantly? That guy? The half wit wanna be lex luthor ? The one who worships money and not God or his people? The one who couldn't tell you how a car, tv, computer, or friggen hair dryer works if you handed him a manual? The one with no political experience who demands loyalty to his personal goals? That turd?

Gosh no wonder we call it a cult. The brainwashing is so evident. He lives in towers and mansions with servants and the common person thinks he speaks to them with honesty and heart.

The emporer has no clothes. Open your damn eyes already.

If you want strong American leadership then keep demanding it. Looking for leadership from a con man brings us all down.
May 2, 2013
Text above stating Trump called for unity like Biden did is a straight up lie.

His speeches were division, finger pointing, fear stoking, and promises of making people pay.

Read the RNC speech here. Stop white washing what he did. He promoted division. We need to be done with that crap.

Victory speech was more positive and mentioned coming together. Also mentioned infrastructure plan. Both were big fat lies


turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Someone without common sense wouldn't understand common sense. Kind of like bi polar. You see the sky as red and i know it's blue. They have drug for that but you are out of luck on common sense. You also praise Chappelle and Kaepernick which says alot.
No need to keep stating how much you hate him. It really just makes you look stupid or obsessed. It looks like the same spill someone would give that is envious, jealous or just flat out short on something. Did trump win prom king and you didn't. Every post just gets dumber. Guessing you are a jim carrey lover also
May 2, 2013
Oh Terry. Behind those mean cantankerous posts is just a soft little lady man with no real skills and an inflated ego. Calling us stupid just feels so good huh? Did your daddy call you stupid and worthless? Did you ever live up to his expectations? Maybe hug that 10 year old girl a little more often and your find your heart again Mr. Grinch.

You seem to hate Hollywood. Do you not like arts and music? That is too bad. You should try singing and dancing sometime. You lighten up a little bit. Remember to put your gun away before you do it as it will help your find your left wing balance
Jan 15, 2010
From day one it was refuse and resist. Attacked every single day in the media, fabricated stories constant negative headlines everyday and ignoring any achievements . Trump was never given a chance like him or not he got a raw deal. Now the dems want unity. Biden/harris should get the same treatment imo.
Never gave him a chance, eh? How about he never gave himself a chance. Respect needs to be earned, Donny just expects you to worship him. He sh!t on any opposition on day 1. Anyone who disrespects the service of a military veteran who spent years in the Hanoi Hilton regardless of political agreement will NEVER get my respect and it’s downright appalling he gets any of yours. There are some things you just don’t do, and if someone is willing to disrespect the military service and sacrifice of a guy like McCain just to further his own political career he is a piece of garbage and should never be president.

that’s just one example of thousands, but dont you ever complain about Donny not getting respect, that fat fu$k earned whatever lack of respect he gets.
Jan 15, 2010
I want trump no question, but i want a fair election. That is the difference. Dems are most corrupt ever imo. Already seen it on supreme court hearings. They are willing to do anything to win. Change the rules, cheat, false accusations at the last second of the last minue of the last day if you had legit stuff you would have came with it out of the gate. My daughter tries that to win a game but she is 10. I'm willing to let this play out for the good of the country. Guilty people don't want you to see the evidence. Innocent people do.

this is amazing. You wrote something exactly about mango and tried to twist it 180. You should work for NewsMax.
False accusations on the second to last day? See my previous post about your buddy tucker losing his flash drive with damning evidence in the mail...

change the rules and cheat at the last minute and do things that would get a 10 year old in trouble? See Donny’s actions since the election.

guilty people want to suppress evidence but innocent people don’t? Hmmm, where’s Donny’s taxes?

again, I see a pattern here... tons of accusations of the dems being so corrupt and evil, no hard evidence, blindly following what the right wing media says. Do you also notice a pattern of Donny accusing others of what he is actually doing?

do you think that if the dems actually cheated that bad that miss Lindsey and turtle head would still be in the senate? Personally if I was gonna cheat there wouldn’t be much point unless they went out too...

I don’t expect to convince a closed minded cultist like yourself, but try a little bit of critical thinking and look at the situation from 30,000’ up...
May 2, 2013
You are asking a lot. He is all pumped up listening to rage against the machine, tool, and nirvana but doesn't understand the lyrics. The alpha male doesn't listen to your pansy bullshit, he wants to beat up people in the pit.

Been around these meatheads so long now. Love getting them stoned and watching their primal brains melt into mush and conspiracy nonsense dribbles out their mouths. It is always someone else's fault. No ability for self evaluation.
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