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How about our great President!!!

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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Nothing at all. I've wasted so much energy trying to conversate and now I'm just gonna blow off some steam. These 4 plus years have been so exhausting! Get stupid, have fun, forget about politics for one day at least. Celebrate! It isn't sports but if everyone wants to act like politics is then enjoy the defeat of a really really bad team captain. Hope to see with him and his creeps gone that the two parties can come together to make America great again....but for real this time...no more bullshit. Lol
You sir are an idiot. America is not coming together. Half the country hates what you stand for and the way you think. You and your flag burning mask wearing movie star worshipping buddies stay in Colorado. Keep a fire extinguisher around because I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. The pussification of America. Pretty ironic you are on a snowmobile forum and voted for those kooks.
Jan 30, 2009
Time for ME to celebrate all you bitches coming in line and bringing MY america back together, which YOUR president could not do!

This is what I took from simple, the man of temper and peace.

we talk ****, YOU MUST LISTEN
we talk in round about unending ways to justify YOUR inequities, YOU MUST LISTEN

nice work kamala
May 2, 2013
Lol there it is. The deplorable asshole with zero compassion. The personification of a cunt. Yeah don't come to Colorado. You couldn't handle it and would likely wipe your self out in an avy like a fool.
May 2, 2013
McDonald Trump the new fast food spokeman? Only if keeps that beautiful long time small hands outfit!


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I have to hand it to our president . Trump has actually done something no other president has ever done in the history of the White house. He should be very proud of the fact that his is the only President in History to ever lose the popular vote in consecutive elections. that is an accomplishment no other president can claim . I say Bravo! SIr Bravo!!!!. He may also be the only President in history to lose an election and somehow remain in office after all the law suites he has filed play out in court. There is one thing i have learned about him over the past four years and that is anything that would have crippled any politician's career seems to have always provide him with even more support from his supporters. All he has to say is stop the vote once and it put into motion all over this country groups of supports physically going to polling locations and pounding on the windows chanting " stop the vote " in a national election. He is probably right he could shot someone on 5th ave and be given the noble peace price for doing it
Jan 15, 2010
Personally I like presidents that don’t lose elections... what a jackass, I can’t wait to watch him get dragged out kicking and screaming. I don’t know how anyone watched mango unchained whine like a little bItch Thursday ranting about how bad he got cheated and still thinks he’s fit for office . That was just embarrassing.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Evidence of election fraud is mounting up in multiple states.
If you are the kind of person that is happy to gloat over stolen victory, then there's nothing I can say that we'll agree on. You're simply morally bankrupt.
Jan 15, 2010
Evidence of election fraud is mounting up in multiple states.
If you are the kind of person that is happy to gloat over stolen victory, then there's nothing I can say that we'll agree on. You're simply morally bankrupt.

then lets see some REAL evidence, not right wing “news” articles. We have been here before, remember T(f)ucker Carlson and his “damning” documents that “got lost in the mail “? No one has mailed actual valuable info on a flash drive in 15 years-and you people ate it up. And even though they “found” it they never released it BECAUSE ITS NOT REAL. This is the same ruse. Just like everything else mango says-“many people are saying” “there’s lots of real evidence “ etc, they just know you sheep will grasp onto whatever lies they spew. Guaranteed if Donny had just squeeked it out not one of you would be concerned about election fraud because your great leader wouldn’t be lying about it like a butt hurt 9 year old.

remember how he claimed 3 million fraudulent votes in the last election? Remember how that’s the amount he lost the popular vote by? Remember how the commission that his administration convened found NOTHING?

open your eyes-Donny lost because he got less votes. Now he needs to be a real man for the first time and own it and quit whining and lying.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Has no bearing on who won or didn't win. It is about what i believe vs. What you believe. 180 degrees off. We won't come together. I'm not going to change my beliefs and I'm guessing it's reciprocal. It doesn't bother me if someone is put off by my despise remarks. Complete polar opposites

As far as popular vote, trump got almost 8 million more votes than he did in 16. That is substantial.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
My feelings are not hurt but i dispise people like you. Stay in canada and mind your own business.
Bummer tho, I’m a heck of a nice guy! Just happen to appreciate irony.

The fact you think I’m some sierra club’d out mega liberal is very inaccurate.

I’ll tell ya what my two main beliefs are 1) don’t be a dick. 2) don’t impose your beliefs on others (other than not being a dick). That covers most of it. Plenty of room for conservativism...no room for trump
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Jan 15, 2010
Has no bearing on who won or didn't win. It is about what i believe vs. What you believe. 180 degrees off. We won't come together. I'm not going to change my beliefs and I'm guessing it's reciprocal. It doesn't bother me if someone is put off by my despise remarks. Complete polar opposites

As far as popular vote, trump got almost 8 million more votes than he did in 16. That is substantial.
Wow, 8 million more votes and two of his previous campaign managers indicated for fraud... do I see a pattern? Might find fraud alright, just not the kind you want to see.

but don’t worry, uncle Rudy is on it. He can’t even figure out which 4 seasons to go to and ended up in a landscape supply parking lot between a sex shop and a crematorium... don’t tell me that was planned, mango himself tweeted that there was a “big press conference at The Four Seasons “ (since deleted). Straight outta Borat 2...

I honestly hope you guys down south get through the next couple months in one piece. Donny is gonna kick up a hornets nest based on lies, deceit and no real evidence because deep down he has no balls and is incapable of facing reality . This could get really ugly.
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