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Gay marriage....I wont drink the Koolaid but will eat the chicken!



Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
Burns Lake B.C.
what does priests and religions have to do with a mans personal relationship with God..??...nothing..don;t confuse them...priests that molest and religious nuts are the furthest thing away from being christian and are not Gods children regardless of what they claim

That owner has every right to voice publicly what is supported by Scripture in the Bible....every right and a duty..

Well the owner of chick fil a is baptist. Baptism is a religion. This religion has priests, and some baptist priests have some terrible things(i.e. molestation). I'm pretty sure being baptist has a lot to do with his relationship with god. I hope you made the connection there.

Dan Cathy the President of chick fill a has given millions to organiztions opposing same sex marriage and has also talked openly about how he is opposed to same sex marriage. I don't agree with his opinion however it is his right to have his opinion. The problem I find is that in the baptist church molestation is rampant as well as the organizations efforts to cover it up. When your an influential member of such an organiztion shouldn't you focus your efforts and resources of trying to clean that crap up instead of opposing a loving union of two consenting adults.

As I have gotten older and more mature I dont get the whole anti gay thing. I have a couple kids with a wife that loves me. If two men or two women can find that same love, I say great. In a world that has way to much hate, I think it's great when two people can have a loving relationship, whether it be a man and woman, a man and man or a woman and woman.


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Jan 20, 2008
Well the owner of chick fil a is baptist. Baptism is a religion. This religion has priests, and some baptist priests

there is
NO PRIESTS IN Baptist fellowship
...preachers/pastors/ministers..yes..but the last PRIEST the world has had was JESUS..there has not been a priest since JESUS...

oh sure some "religions " have people they call priests..but that the devils workings..remember 95 percent truth mixed with 5 percent lies can keep ya from seeking the realTRUTH..
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Well-known member
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Jan 20, 2008
The problem I find is that in the baptist church molestation is rampant as well as the organizations efforts to cover it up. When your an influential member of such an organiztion shouldn't you focus your efforts and resources of trying to clean that crap up .

again,a persons personal relationship with GOD and their own personal salvation is not in any boundries of any structured group or religion

Gods grace of salvation is extended by his hand through Jesus depite who you are.

The Bible is the WORD..plain and simple..no disputing what it says regarding the issue...don;t pick on the chicken fella...if ya want to argue you have to take it up with GOD..

ps.. Baptist are not Catholic..


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I think it's great when two people can have a loving relationship, whether it be a man and woman, a man and brazilian female soccer player, or a woman and woman (providing it is for the pleasure of the men that are watching, a man and a well groomed sheep, a woman and a handle of a baseball bat, an elf and a russian, a man and a young unconcious woman that drank too much, a clean shaven young lady and a battery powered device, etc,etc .

I certainly cannot argue with your thinking here.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
Religion=War if you don't beleave me look around.oh ya sainta said if you don't start playing nice no presents for any one. Sounds dumb eh just as stupid as all the other crap i've read here today I live by one rule TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED!


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Jan 20, 2008
Religion=War QUOTE]

guns kill people..??..knifes spread butter..??..cars turn and brake by themselves..??..snowmobiles load themselves on the trailer by themselves..??

Nope..just like "religion equals war" all of the above need one common denominator...a HUMAN interaction,

The chicken fella just stated what marriage was in the Bible..nothing more,nothing less,he just stated how GOD was going to deal with it at the time it all gets dealt with,nothing more,nothing less.

If anyone has any issue with it,its ultimately is just simply between them and God, and how that gets dealt with God has already told us through the Word with no chance of confusion.

The art of confusion is Lucifers work...nothing confusing about being thrown into the lake of fire.

Anyway for those who want to think different and argue opposite,just remember one little detail..you would not even be reading my post or writing yours if your parents were same sex couples..!!!


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
Again!Treat people the way you want to be treated.How about [thow shall not judge].


Well-known member
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Jan 20, 2008
Again!Treat people the way you want to be treated.How about [thow shall not judge].

God commands us to practice rightious judgement continually but not hypocritical judgement..

anyway nothing wrong with following your example of treating people how you want to be treated...

so i don;t want these misguided souls gumsucking in my or my childrens space..and i won;t gumsuck with the opposite gender in their and their childrens space..

oh wait...they won;t have children..already we have a problem with an imbalance with the "treat people the way you want to be treated "if the other persons natural balance is askew..

Anyway bottom line..there is already a judgement..and the punishment forthcoming...nothing is ever going to change that

im sorry tukernator..i didn;t make the rules..and the rules are not going to change.

please don;t come back with the ole,you think your "holier then thou"..we are all guilty of falling short of the "rules"..and we will all be judged,and if we keep talking it will become a thread drift and confusing,and that is how Lucifer operates.

So bottom line..these people are judged,if you want to help them there is only one thing you can do, pray for mercy


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
God commands us to practice rightious judgement continually but not hypocritical judgement..

anyway nothing wrong with following your example of treating people how you want to be treated...

so i don;t want these misguided souls gumsucking in my or my childrens space..and i won;t gumsuck with the opposite gender in their and their childrens space..

oh wait...they won;t have children..already we have a problem with an imbalance with the "treat people the way you want to be treated "if the other persons natural balance is askew..

Anyway bottom line..there is already a judgement..and the punishment forthcoming...nothing is ever going to change that

im sorry tukernator..i didn;t make the rules..and the rules are not going to change.

please don;t come back with the ole,you think your "holier then thou"..we are all guilty of falling short of the "rules"..and we will all be judged,and if we keep talking it will become a thread drift and confusing,and that is how Lucifer operates.

So bottom line..these people are judged,if you want to help them there is only one thing you can do, pray for mercy
I feel sorry for people like you,but hey your happy I'm happy what the hell I guess you got to put your beleife in something .:face-icon-small-ton


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Nov 16, 2005
There is also this thing of separation of church and state. Honestly the state has no place in marriage. If one church wants to allow gay marriage that's up to them.

Who cares what other people do? Make your own decisions. Why oppress someone? You don't see Jews trying to ban the sale of pork because they don't believe in consuming it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
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Jan 20, 2008
hey..they can do what they want...i don;t have to support it though...but see how this is straying...the chicken fella just said what someone else said about it..that simple..it was just so happened that someone else is God.

Gay marriage challanges nothing,its already judged and the punishment forthcoming so there never was a challange.

It just become one fella's right to free speech being trampled by the others who want same gender marraige,why wasn;t the chicken fella's statement just left as it was.

tukenator..you feel sorry for me..??..haha..now its about me...see how it all works now..
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Well-known member
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Jan 20, 2008
Treat people the way you want to be treated..

a drunk or stoned 19 year old drives over my three year old daughter...i want him to bear the full punishment of the law..even torture if im allowed to administer it...

My drunken son drives over someones three year old daughter..i want my son to have a second chance at his life ahead of him , i want forgiveness and healing for him..

and that is generally human nature..^^^..like it or not..


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
hey..they can do what they want...i don;t have to support it though...but see how this is straying...the chicken fella just said what someone else said about it..that simple..it was just so happened that someone else is God.

Gay marriage challanges nothing,its already judged and the punishment forthcoming so there never was a challange.

It just become one fella's right to free speech being trampled by the others who want same gender marraige,why wasn;t the chicken fella's statement just left as it was.

tukenator..you feel sorry for me..??..haha..now its about me...see how it all works now..
I'm guessing the chicken fella's statement is like the bibble everyboby takes it and interprets it the way there Group,realigon and or cult wants it to be.:rockon:


Well-known member
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Jan 20, 2008
I'm guessing the chicken fella's statement is like the bible. everyboby takes it and interprets it the way there Group,religon and or cult wants it to be.:rockon:

there is no denying that ^^^^...although there is only one meaning and truth from the Bible...but yes your statement is correct..

that doesn;t make the chicken fella or me and the other millions wrong though..!!!!
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
Interesting little chart

the world is only civilized if you agree sex with the same gender is normal is all that chart is saying...

i wonder who did the chart...hahaha..John Travolta and Richard Simmons
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
there is no denying that ^^^^...although there is only one meaning and truth from the Bible...but yes your statement is correct..

that doesn;t make the chicken fella or me and the other millions wrong though..!!!!
Or right? Hey I'm sure your a great guy and I'm sure we would get along just fine if we were on a diffrent topic lets try Dogs? Crap your probly a cat person right.:face-icon-small-ton
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