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Gay marriage....I wont drink the Koolaid but will eat the chicken!

polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
you need a rooster and hen to make a chicken..bull and cow to make a calf...willikers im glad these guys and gals are for the most part staying straight otherwise i would be hungry...hahaha

But imagine if every guy decided to be gay BUT you! You could have your choice of women 24/7. In fact they would pay you even.


Well-known member
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Jan 20, 2008
But imagine if every guy decided to be gay BUT you! You could have your choice of women 24/7. In fact they would pay you even.

ya got me thinking now...lol...i ain;t used to that,my head hurts..but if the men all went gay and the women went lesbo...it would be my hand hurting....correction...both hands,i have proud meat..:rockon::rockon:

polaris dude

Well-known member
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Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
I'm guessing the chicken fella's statement is like the bibble everyboby takes it and interprets it the way there Group,realigon and or cult wants it to be.:rockon:

So what does that make you, atheist? You can read the bible all you want, but you have to use some of that intellectual prowess humans are so well known for and understand the meaning of those who wrote it. The bible is rather tricky because it was written in a time when metaphors were used frequently to teach lessons. So the bible isn't literal.


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Jan 20, 2008
Who the he!! is bailer? He sure doesn't like my point of view. 8 bads in one day. lol:face-icon-small-ton:face-icon-small-ton:face-icon-small-ton

haha...it happens...i used to get alot of bads from a fella...and then we just kind of let it go and we slap each other some good rep once in a while now..


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
So what does that make you, atheist? You can read the bible all you want, but you have to use some of that intellectual prowess humans are so well known for and understand the meaning of those who wrote it. The bible is rather tricky because it was written in a time when metaphors were used frequently to teach lessons. So the bible isn't literal.
Nope ,but I'm not a hypercrit either judging people all day cheat steal and go to church on sunday and think that that makes it all better.Just because you go to church DOES NOT make you a good person.:baby:


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
Bend Oregon
x3, But like another said the whole TV thing every show has a gay couple, Its almost like if you dont wave the straight flag you will be overcome with all the gay propoganda.

I feel the role that the liberal controlled media... TV, is one of the biggest problems our country faces. Hollywood has become the moral compass for most people who are not grounded in anything.

The gay agenda has been put in our living rooms to an excess and now our kids and grandkids think it's morally okay and cool!

I'm glad I'm as old as I am so I won't have to watch the continued erosion of good wholesome faith based family values. I do feel bad for my kids and grandkids.

What's next... it will be cool to marry your brothers and sisters, or farm animals!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
I feel the role that the liberal controlled media... TV, is one of the biggest problems our country faces. Hollywood has become the moral compass for most people who are not grounded in anything.

The gay agenda has been put in our living rooms to an excess and now our kids and grandkids think it's morally okay and cool!

I'm glad I'm as old as I am so I won't have to watch the continued erosion of good wholesome faith based family values. I do feel bad for my kids and grandkids.

What's next... it will be cool to marry your brothers and sisters, or farm animals!

Farm Animals? Wasn't that a pair of velcro gloves I saw in your back pocket?

The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
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Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
I feel the role that the liberal controlled media... TV, is one of the biggest problems our country faces. Hollywood has become the moral compass for most people who are not grounded in anything.

The gay agenda has been put in our living rooms to an excess and now our kids and grandkids think it's morally okay and cool!

I'm glad I'm as old as I am so I won't have to watch the continued erosion of good wholesome faith based family values. I do feel bad for my kids and grandkids.

What's next... it will be cool to marry your brothers and sisters, or farm animals!

Winnah! Winnah! Chicken Dinnah!! (pun intended)

I'm in my mid-40's which means I was a kid in the 70's. Back then TV programing was pretty limited and carried a lot of re-runs from the 50's and 60's. Men on TV were portrayed as men. They had jobs, loved their wives and gave sound advice to their kids. They were liked and respected and could be considered positive role models.

Guys like: Marcus Welby MD, Ward Cleaver, Jim Anderson (Father Knows Best) and even single dads like Bill Davis (Family Affair) were all strong, principled men who could be tender with their families when it was called for. They were also well dressed, articulate and physically fit.

Now these shows got slammed for being unrealistic and when the angry self-entitled Baby Boomers took over TV changed.

First there was Archie Bunker who was TV's first azzhole dad. A racist, bigoted, d__khead who regularly treated his wife like crap, while wrapping himself in the flag as he reminded the world he was a "regular" American, a tax payer and a veteran. Archie made it OK for people to assume all blue collar white guys were like him.

For shows produced in the 70's there were only three TV dads that stood out. Howard Cunningham (Happy Days) Mike Brady (Brady Bunch) and James Evans (Good Times). Happy Days was a decent show--Howard was a small business owner but he was tubby and when push came to shove he backed down to his wife. The Brady Bunch was a polyester clad spoof on TV dads of the 50's, I mean they had an astroturf lawn for pete's sake. Mike Brady was nice and wise and all but the show was so syrupy-sweet as not to be taken seriously. The only "strong" masculine father was black...and he ended up getting killed. (John Amos wanted off the show and the writers sent him to work on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline where he got killed).

The 80's was mostly cop and lawyer shows where men were portrayed as sneaky, backstabbing weasles, or cheats, or liars, or bullies, or cross dressing schmucks (Bosom Buddies). The one semi-masculine male was Sam Malone and he was reduced to a self-absorbed, recovering alcoholic, womanizer.

Then came the Femi-nazi shows of the 90's. The one decent father figure was Dan Conner (Roseanne). He tried hard but never quite made it...fat, ineffectual, always apologizing to his wife. The one notable exception was Bill Cosby as Dr Huxtable, but he also always backed down to his wife. Always.

And here we are today surrounded by idiots. Married men on TV are all overweight, spineless morons. Except, Ray Romano. He's not fat so they made him extra stupid, extra spineless. These guys are absolutely helpless without their wives. Helpless.

The only smart, educated, well dressed men portrayed on TV today are gay.
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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
Bend Oregon
Winnah! Winnah! Chicken Dinnah!! (pun intended)

I'm in my mid-40's which means I was a kid in the 70's. Back then TV programing was pretty limited and carried a lot of re-runs from the 50's and 60's. Men on TV were portrayed as men. They had jobs, loved their wives and gave sound advice to their kids. They were liked and respected and could be considered positive role models.

Guys like: Marcus Welby MD, Ward Cleaver, Jim Anderson (Father Knows Best) and even single dads like Bill Davis (Family Affair) were all strong, principled men who could be tender with their families when it was called for. They were also well dressed, articulate and physically fit.

Now these shows got slammed for being unrealistic and when the angry self-entitled Baby Boomers took over TV changed.

First there was Archie Bunker who was TV's first azzhole dad. A racist, bigoted, d__khead who regularly treated his wife like crap, while wrapping himself in the flag as he reminded the world he was a "regular" American, a tax payer and a veteran. Archie made it OK for people to assume all blue collar white guys were like him.

For shows produced in the 70's there were only three TV dads that stood out. Howard Cunningham (Happy Days) Mike Brady (Brady Bunch) and James Evans (Good Times). Happy Days was a decent show--Howard was a small business owner but he was tubby and when push came to shove he backed down to his wife. The Brady Bunch was a polyester clad spoof on TV dads of the 50's, I mean they had an astroturf lawn for pete's sake. Mike Brady was nice and wise and all but the show was so syrupy-sweet as not to be taken seriously. The only "strong" masculine father was black...and he ended up getting killed. (John Amos wanted off the show and the writers sent him to work on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline where he got killed).

The 80's was mostly cop and lawyer shows where men were portrayed as sneaky, backstabbing weasles, or cheats, or liars, or bullies, or cross dressing schmucks (Bosom Buddies). The one semi-masculine male was Sam Malone and he was reduced to a self-absorbed, recovering alcoholic, womanizer.

Then came the Femi-nazi shows of the 90's. The one decent father figure was Dan Conner (Roseanne). He tried hard but never quite made it...fat, ineffectual, always apologizing to his wife. The one notable exception was Bill Cosby as Dr Huxtable, but he also always backed down to his wife. Always.

And here we are today surrounded by idiots. Married men on TV are all overweight, spineless morons. Except, Ray Romano. He's not fat so they made him extra stupid, extra spineless. These guys are absolutely helpless without their wives. Helpless.

The only smart, educated, well dressed men on portrayed on TV today are gay.

It's sad to see how sick the world is becoming. It's very hard to try to teach good morals to kids today, when they are taught in school that it's ok for two guys to bed down together, and to raise a family. Most TV shows support this crap and what is a kid today to think? I know when I was growing up, I had very good male and female role models who practiced what they preached and made it easy for me to reject peer pressure. I was not defined by my peers, I knew who I was. TV didn’t play much of a role with my up-bringing. We had one station and it didn’t have any of the filth that is so common today. Our society has become completely desensitized to it. You can flip though the channels at almost any time and see two dudes swapping spit. My kids are all now grown adults with kids of their own, but I can assure you I still try to impress upon them that just because something's seems okay on TV or the internet, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.

The problem is that TV and the internet is in many cases shaping todays kids morals and not the parent. It’s easier for parents today to park a kid in his or her room with a TV and video games and then close the door and not give them another thought. It’s sad.

I’m not a hater, but that doesn’t mean that immoral behavior will be accepted or tolerated by me. In my past professional life, I was running a large international department for a software company. I hired every type of person you can imagine including post op transsexuals. I didn’t have a choice with the strict EEO regs. Everyone working for me (400 at one point world wide) was treated with respect and promoted regardless of perversion, that is the world we live in today. Having had that type of experience with many different slants on morality it only strengthened my views that there needs to be a return to old fashioned faith based family values.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
"Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and those that are bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. The adjective moral is synonymous with "good" or "right." Immorality is the active opposition to morality (i.e. good or right), while amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles. An example of a moral code is the Golden Rule which states that, "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."

Some of you fine folks are attempting to impose your "particular philosophy, religion, culture" on others that may not be of the same belief. Regardless, I truly believe that the "Golden Rule" should apply to all of Gods children regardless of what handle they use to identify him.
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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
Bend Oregon
"Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and those that are bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. The adjective moral is synonymous with "good" or "right." Immorality is the active opposition to morality (i.e. good or right), while amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles. An example of a moral code is the Golden Rule which states that, "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."

Some of you fine folks are attempting to impose your "particular philosophy, religion, culture" on others that may not be of the same belief. Regardless, I truly believe that the "Golden Rule" should apply to all of Gods children regardless of what handle to use to identify him.

And yet you made fun of the Colorado mass murder to try to make a point. In your view of right and wrong it would be okay to mass murder people because they supported the owner of a chicken joint and his traditional family values.
After you were thumped by most on this thread for your insensitivity, you tried to walk it back a sarcasm. You showed who you are.
So if you believe in the Golden rule, then those folks supporting the chicken restaurant owner should be left alone to support whom ever or what ever they choose, just like you would expect them to do for you if you were out standing in line supporting your gay buddies... correct?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
And yet you made fun of the Colorado mass murder to try to make a point. In your view of right and wrong it would be okay to mass murder people because they supported the owner of a chicken joint and his traditional family values.
After you were thumped by most on this thread for your insensitivity, you tried to walk it back a sarcasm. You showed who you are.
So if you believe in the Golden rule, then those folks supporting the chicken restaurant owner should be left alone to support whom ever or what ever they choose, just like you would expect them to do for you if you were out standing in line supporting your gay buddies... correct?

Yep, that would be correct. He!!, I would even piss on your sorry arse if you were on fire.
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