I feel the role that the liberal controlled media... TV, is one of the biggest problems our country faces. Hollywood has become the moral compass for most people who are not grounded in anything.
The gay agenda has been put in our living rooms to an excess and now our kids and grandkids think it's morally okay and cool!
I'm glad I'm as old as I am so I won't have to watch the continued erosion of good wholesome faith based family values. I do feel bad for my kids and grandkids.
What's next... it will be cool to marry your brothers and sisters, or farm animals!
Winnah! Winnah! Chicken Dinnah!! (pun intended)
I'm in my mid-40's which means I was a kid in the 70's. Back then TV programing was pretty limited and carried a lot of re-runs from the 50's and 60's. Men on TV were portrayed as men. They had jobs, loved their wives and gave sound advice to their kids. They were liked and respected and could be considered positive role models.
Guys like: Marcus Welby MD, Ward Cleaver, Jim Anderson (Father Knows Best) and even single dads like Bill Davis (Family Affair) were all strong, principled men who could be tender with their families when it was called for. They were also well dressed, articulate and physically fit.
Now these shows got slammed for being unrealistic and when the angry self-entitled Baby Boomers took over TV changed.
First there was Archie Bunker who was TV's first azzhole dad. A racist, bigoted, d__khead who regularly treated his wife like crap, while wrapping himself in the flag as he reminded the world he was a "regular" American, a tax payer and a veteran. Archie made it OK for people to assume all blue collar white guys were like him.
For shows produced in the 70's there were only three TV dads that stood out. Howard Cunningham (Happy Days) Mike Brady (Brady Bunch) and James Evans (Good Times). Happy Days was a decent show--Howard was a small business owner but he was tubby and when push came to shove he backed down to his wife. The Brady Bunch was a polyester clad spoof on TV dads of the 50's, I mean they had an astroturf lawn for pete's sake. Mike Brady was nice and wise and all but the show was so syrupy-sweet as not to be taken seriously. The only "strong" masculine father was black...and he ended up getting killed. (John Amos wanted off the show and the writers sent him to work on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline where he got killed).
The 80's was mostly cop and lawyer shows where men were portrayed as sneaky, backstabbing weasles, or cheats, or liars, or bullies, or cross dressing schmucks (Bosom Buddies). The one semi-masculine male was Sam Malone and he was reduced to a self-absorbed, recovering alcoholic, womanizer.
Then came the Femi-nazi shows of the 90's. The one decent father figure was Dan Conner (Roseanne). He tried hard but never quite made it...fat, ineffectual, always apologizing to his wife. The one notable exception was Bill Cosby as Dr Huxtable, but he also always backed down to his wife. Always.
And here we are today surrounded by idiots. Married men on TV are all overweight, spineless morons. Except, Ray Romano. He's not fat so they made him extra stupid, extra spineless. These guys are absolutely helpless without their wives. Helpless.
The only smart, educated, well dressed men portrayed on TV today are gay.