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Gay marriage....I wont drink the Koolaid but will eat the chicken!



Well-known member
Jan 27, 2009
Bend Oregon
Mold...from the amount of alcohol that you may consume..(your posts lead me to this assumption)...i think your urinating on a flame would be most unproductive..

There is clearly an impairment involved, either drugs or alcohol or maybe he was dropped on his head as an infant. Who knows, but at a minimum, if in the real world (not the internet persona) he is anything like what he portrays here, then he should seek help. Or if he has anyone who cares about him, they should intervene, for his sake and those who come in contact with him.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
There is clearly an impairment involved, either drugs or alcohol or maybe he was dropped on his head as an infant. Who knows, but at a minimum, if in the real world (not the internet persona) he is anything like what he portrays here, then he should seek help. Or if he has anyone who cares about him, they should intervene, for his sake and those who come in contact with him.

The internet is an interesting place for sure. :face-icon-small-shoI will call my office in the morning and schedule an appointment with myself.:face-icon-small-hap


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
Burns Lake B.C.
It's sad to see how sick the world is becoming. It's very hard to try to teach good morals to kids today, when they are taught in school that it's ok for two guys to bed down together, and to raise a family. Most TV shows support this crap and what is a kid today to think? I know when I was growing up, I had very good male and female role models who practiced what they preached and made it easy for me to reject peer pressure. I was not defined by my peers, I knew who I was. TV didn’t play much of a role with my up-bringing. We had one station and it didn’t have any of the filth that is so common today. Our society has become completely desensitized to it. You can flip though the channels at almost any time and see two dudes swapping spit. My kids are all now grown adults with kids of their own, but I can assure you I still try to impress upon them that just because something's seems okay on TV or the internet, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good.

The problem is that TV and the internet is in many cases shaping todays kids morals and not the parent. It’s easier for parents today to park a kid in his or her room with a TV and video games and then close the door and not give them another thought. It’s sad.

I’m not a hater, but that doesn’t mean that immoral behavior will be accepted or tolerated by me. In my past professional life, I was running a large international department for a software company. I hired every type of person you can imagine including post op transsexuals. I didn’t have a choice with the strict EEO regs. Everyone working for me (400 at one point world wide) was treated with respect and promoted regardless of perversion, that is the world we live in today. Having had that type of experience with many different slants on morality it only strengthened my views that there needs to be a return to old fashioned faith based family values.
If your seeing guys swapping spit every time you flip through the channels, you are clearly on a different subscription plan than myself. I think it might be a good idea for you to get rid of the gay **** channels on your satellite. Try getting espn, that's what real straight men watch. :face-icon-small-ton


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
Originally Posted by tukernater
Nope ,but I'm not a hypercrit either judging people all day cheat steal and go to church on sunday and think that that makes it all better.Just because you go to church DOES NOT make you a good person.

Indeed. Gotta live the life.

the mafia of the older years of course is a perfect example...confessions/churches etc...then mayham and murder...nowadays all stripes of our society go to church and do wrong all day out of it

imo .. luckily spirituality is a personal relationship with God....a gathering of two or more is just the same as any large gathering in any building..
we live in the Yukon ,Canada and the only "church" we belong and feel comfortable with is in Anchorage Alaska with an affliate in Willow Alaska..

oh and yes we do do wrong during the day as well..as humans that just can not be avoided..


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 20, 2008
The internet is an interesting place for sure. :face-icon-small-shoI will call my office in the morning and schedule an appointment with myself.:face-icon-small-hap

don;t bother phoning ahead and booking an appointment...im sure you have lots of openings..:face-icon-small-hap:face-icon-small-hap:face-icon-small-hap...oh..don;t pass up on the possibility of a second opinion...


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 15, 2009
Laramie, WY
The best way to avoid watching immoral (by conservative society's standards) television is to not spend your hard earned money on a TV built over seas, and to save that $50 a month the dish company charges. I haven't owned a TV in 3 years, honestly couldn't think of a more wasteful way to spend my time than stare into a screen that reduces my mental activity to levels lower than sleep. I have never been one to enjoy watching other people do anything (football, racing, wrenching, experimenting, conversing, etc.) more than doing that activity myself. So why in the hell is everyone obsessing over television? Buy yourself and/or your kids some hiking shoes or a bike, then go for a hike/walk/ride and talk along the way. Social interaction is so much more constructive to a young mind than simply watching social interaction. The physical exercise certainly helps to keep a mind clear too.

Strong morals need not be rooted in a faith based family, but simply in a loving, supportive family that knows right from wrong and isn't afraid to make the distinctions crystal clear to the young ones. Sure faith helps many find a supportive community and provides guidance when others may waver from right, but good people are good people whether they believe in a god, have never heard of a god, or reject the notion of the existence of a god.

Now, let's imagine (not too vividly...) that your neighbors, or even your best friend, are and have been gay all the time you've known them. Have they been altering your life for the worse because they don't have the same sexual preference as you? I don't understand homosexuality any further than recognizing that it has no impact on my life, and thus, I see the opposition to the legalization of gay marriage as simply and plainly as a direct attack on my fellow American citizens' freedom and their pursuit of happiness.

Now for the important point... WHO THE **** CARES???? We have much more serious issues before this nation. Get over your prejudices, and focus on topics/issues such as: national debt, personal debt, spending, the excuse we call a public education for our young people, poor parenting, lazy & fat people that just keep eating, infrastructure, domestic energy production, and the list goes on.

I hope it dumps this season. Nothing clears the mind like POW!


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
Burns Lake B.C.
The best way to avoid watching immoral (by conservative society's standards) television is to not spend your hard earned money on a TV built over seas, and to save that $50 a month the dish company charges. I haven't owned a TV in 3 years, honestly couldn't think of a more wasteful way to spend my time than stare into a screen that reduces my mental activity to levels lower than sleep. I have never been one to enjoy watching other people do anything (football, racing, wrenching, experimenting, conversing, etc.) more than doing that activity myself. So why in the hell is everyone obsessing over television? Buy yourself and/or your kids some hiking shoes or a bike, then go for a hike/walk/ride and talk along the way. Social interaction is so much more constructive to a young mind than simply watching social interaction. The physical exercise certainly helps to keep a mind clear too.

Strong morals need not be rooted in a faith based family, but simply in a loving, supportive family that knows right from wrong and isn't afraid to make the distinctions crystal clear to the young ones. Sure faith helps many find a supportive community and provides guidance when others may waver from right, but good people are good people whether they believe in a god, have never heard of a god, or reject the notion of the existence of a god.

Now, let's imagine (not too vividly...) that your neighbors, or even your best friend, are and have been gay all the time you've known them. Have they been altering your life for the worse because they don't have the same sexual preference as you? I don't understand homosexuality any further than recognizing that it has no impact on my life, and thus, I see the opposition to the legalization of gay marriage as simply and plainly as a direct attack on my fellow American citizens' freedom and their pursuit of happiness.

Now for the important point... WHO THE **** CARES???? We have much more serious issues before this nation. Get over your prejudices, and focus on topics/issues such as: national debt, personal debt, spending, the excuse we call a public education for our young people, poor parenting, lazy & fat people that just keep eating, infrastructure, domestic energy production, and the list goes on.

I hope it dumps this season. Nothing clears the mind like POW!
Well put, but i still like my tv though.
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