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Gay marriage....I wont drink the Koolaid but will eat the chicken!

Oct 21, 2008
flat lander MN
you may not have a chicken stand to support in your town I dont.
What I do have is General Mills HQ. and all you hear about in MN is the swooning from the media about them coming out in support of gay marriage.
kinda sucks I liked a bowl of Lucky charms from time to time
I love how libs say a corporation is not people until one like General Mills comes out for something fitting there narrative. then all you here is how great it is a corporation makes a stand.
just wait till the states start telling your church they have to perform the ceremony of face action think it cant happen? look at the birth control issue already happening
just more change you can beleve in


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Grand Junction, Co.
So now we are at point in time when the government can control a privately owned business in respect to where it can open up shop. If you agree them (government) fine, if not they tell you to get out. All because one has a different opinion/view/belief in something and voiced it and has stood behind it?? WOW - anyone else see something very worrisome here???
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