Pot meet kettle, lol.
Its super easy to poke fun at any type of gym. Koolaid crossfit drinkers, meatheads at golds, pansies at planet fitness, curl in the squat rack / glamour muscle bros, etc. Social douchebags are everywhere in every facet of society.
None of the stereotypes you listed are prevalent at the crossfit gym / box / whatever that I work out at, and if it was then I would not work out there. Have been to several and have never seen what you are referring to, not saying its not out there, but it is a moronic small minority. It is very simple (and simple minded) to paint an entire group because of its moron minority, we deal with that constantly as snowmachiners and it really is a mindset that needs to stop.
I do agree that there is nothing revolutionary about crossfit in regards to the workout. High intensity interval training has been around forever. Problem is most traditional gyms do not lend itself to that type of workout (bumper plates, oly platforms, tires, medicine balls, etc). Crossfit does a good job of developing a workout for you where you just show up, do your workout, and go home. Makes it much more convenient for people, and people don't mind paying for convenience. Free market and it is proving successful, good on them.
I stick with what works for me, crossfit has shown results that 20+ years of lifting for athletics has never done. To each their own, and the most important thing is to actually get and do SOMETHING.
I am a fitness professional and have been for 20 years. I own and operate a sucessfull training facility and have a pretty strong opinion on crossfit. My thoughts are based upon exercise science and 20 years of working in the industry. I think crossfit has done something amazing in that they probably got a lot of people moving that may not have been before. However, with that said most people that go to crossfit are already exercisers. And crossfit is not based upon any science. If you look at any of the WOD you are going to see things that just dont make sense. 30 power cleans with 225 (recent part of a WOD at the games) a power clean is a power development exercise, which means that it should never be done at those rep levels, much less with that kind of weight. Nobody can keep their form accurate with those rep ranges. Also, you will see 2 sometimes 3 days in a row of pulling, deadlift, pullups, swings, cleans. You have to allow your body rest in order to recover. All of the good stuff happens at rest not during the work phase. I have fixed countless crossfitters who have come to me with shoulder problems, back problems, knee problems, etc. I suppose it is job security for me at this point.
What makes crossfit so appealing is the community and while I don't know you or what you did for the previous 20 years. My guess is that you are working harder now, lifting heavier weights, and paying attention to your paleo diet. Those things put together will work everytime in any setting.