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Colorado 4M Ride 2009

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5.00 star(s)

Thanks for putting all this together and so forth!!! It should shape up to be an AWESOME time to meet everyone.

Also, any chance we can rap some tracks around that bar stool so you can have another shot at wrecking it:D:D:D
any chance we can rap some tracks around that bar stool so you can have another shot at wrecking it:D:D:D

Aww, just broke the bicycle chain is all. Needs an 040 or better and a little motor work to put on tracks;) I like the concept though, of operating that thing on snow versus pavement :beer;:beer;

Keep weighing in on the meal options on the spreadsheet and a page back on here.
X 2 on the food, we could put paddle tires on the bar stool , O wait bushy broke the the chain:rolleyes::beer;:beer;:D

CatLady is ready to party!! I will have two kids and myself for all meals. May have a second adult :rolleyes: Sorry it has took me so long to post. My room is half paid for. I still may be the one holding down the trailhead but if so I will keep the beer cold for the rest:eek:
Snow is looking good, we had an awesome powder day yesterday. All area's/trails are open. We rode into California Park on Sat., and it needs more snow. Gauging by the T-post on the side of the trail, snow level is only three and a half feet deep. Should be Ok by the time the ride comes around. I'll try and do a weekly report every Monday so everyone knows what to expect. Currently there's a good base everywhere, but still some hazards (rock, stumps, etc.) out there. High winds the last few days has caused some loading (Beware of Avy), and the peaks are wind blown. Good snow in the river beds and deep valleys. Snow levels at the lower elevations is not good for this time of year, but above 9K-feet there's plenty. Buff Pass is reporting more snow, hopefully we can do some catch up with the next few storms ...but I'm not complaining.
Snow is looking good, we had an awesome powder day yesterday. All area's/trails are open. We rode into California Park on Sat., and it needs more snow. Gauging by the T-post on the side of the trail, snow level is only three and a half feet deep. Should be Ok by the time the ride comes around. I'll try and do a weekly report every Monday so everyone knows what to expect. Currently there's a good base everywhere, but still some hazards (rock, stumps, etc.) out there. High winds the last few days has caused some loading (Beware of Avy), and the peaks are wind blown. Good snow in the river beds and deep valleys. Snow levels at the lower elevations is not good for this time of year, but above 9K-feet there's plenty. Buff Pass is reporting more snow, hopefully we can do some catch up with the next few storms ...but I'm not complaining.

How are the conditions up near Hog Park?
Good snow around Hog, but still some rocks showing on top of the ridge, and just below the top above the bowl where everyone climbs ...where you have to cut through the tree's to get to. The top of the ridge is pretty wind blown with exposed rocks where the CDT sign is, but it's usually that way all season. We rode there on Sunday and found the main bowl all tracked up from the day before, but everything outside the bowl was untouched, so we rode the tree's mostly. The bowl below the CDT sign was untouched, but the snow was windblown hard there, so we went back to riding the tree's and river beds. As long as you stay up above 9K, there's plenty of snow all the places I've been. Haven't made it yet this year over to to Dome Peak and Farewell since that area is high on Avy, but I'm sure it's doing Ok also.
Rode Jackson Bowl and over the ridge into California Park on Sat. Still some rocks showing at the bottom of the bowl, and of course up on the peak, but the chute on the left had some awesome snow in it. Rode to the top of the peak, Ok if you stay to the left of the main slope and you'll miss the rocks.
Sand Mtn looks like it has hardly any snow on the West side since it has been hit so hard with the wind.
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What is this all about?

O.K., my wife and I are new to sledding but this series of emails caught my eye. We are looking for new rides and enjoy meeting other folks enjoying the sport. We are out of Colorado Springs.

Can you briefly fill me in on what this is all about? We are 50+ but are retired Marines looking for something that is fun. Meaning, we need some new challenges. (If you get crude we will hurt you...):D

Thanks in advance.

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O.K., my wife and I are new to sledding but this series of emails caught my eye. We are looking for new rides and enjoy meeting other folks enjoying the sport. We are out of Colorado Springs.

Can you briefly fill me in on what this is all about? We are 50+ but are retired Marines looking for something that is fun. Meaning, we need some new challenges. (If you get crude we will hurt you...):D

Thanks in advance.


First, welcome to the forums....

The CO Snowest forum ride is an event that has been going on for 6 years... Every year we chose a location to get together and ride... There is usually 40-60 people that join for the weekend..... We hold a raffle and party like rock stars... Even do some riding:p;):D....

This year we are doing it up in Steamboat... It is a great chance to meet fellow sled heads in CO, as well as the rest of the country... We have guys come from everywhere, WI, MN, ID, UT, OR, TX, etc....

If you are interested, PM Bushmaster to see if any rooms are available, or contact Steamboat Lake Outfitters.....

Snow and conditions from this weekend:

We had snow and cold temps earlier in the week. I had too many things to do around the house that kept me from riding Friday ...which would have been an awesome blue bird day. Temps at 8200-feet near SLO got up to 35 deg.

Sat. Another blue bird day. Rode North on the CDT up into Wyoming and back on 550. Snow was good in the area's where we were first tracks. Found some powder in North facing slopes and shady area's, but with the warm temps, snow was starting to get crusty. On the way back on 550, everything was tracked up ...not good.

Sun. Cooler and partly cloudy. Rode over Farewell Mtn into Diamond Park, and up to Dome Peak. Was alot more tracked up then I expected ...just like along 550 going North. Snow was starting to get real sticky by afternoon. No sign of any Avy conditions or slides.

We need snow badly. Next storm is forecast for this coming Sat.

PS Ran into State Park Rangers patroling on Sleds behind Farewell ...ensure your sleds are registered or pay the price.
Need some fresh pow everywhere!

One person still needs to pay there Jan 1 deposit!

Still need to hear from several of you regarding meals and how many will be in your group. The cook at SLO wants to start planning, so please chime in. Check the spreadsheet in my link to make sure I have your info.

Also, if your not staying at SLO but plan to attend the Saturday night dinner and raffle, please let me know. Also let me know if you plan to attend any of the other meals too. Thanks:)

Edit: If you need to arrange for later payment please call SLO as another member has done.
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Snow conditions from the weekend (24/25 Jan). Snow that fell on Fri. and Sat was very heavy, almost Spring time snow, but it filled in all the tracks and was good for carving, side hilling, and boondocking. Good base out there from the previous two weeks being warm with little snow. Had a good 18" of new snow by Saturday night around SLO.
Sat. we rode up into Big Red Park, played around there for a little while, then rode Stock Drive into Wyoming (boondocking mostly), and played around the base of what we call "Baldy". Couldn't believe no one tried to climb the long and steep hill next to the road. I made it in fresh powder about 2/3 of the way before I had to turn out. Tried several more times, but was only gaining a little each time. On the way back, Whisky and Crane Parks had some tracks from that day, but nothing too crazy like the weekend prior.
Sun. we woke to 10" of fresh on my deck, a group of six of us rode the Elkhorn Trail to Dead Mexican, then cut back through little Red and into Big Red Parks. Except for the groomed trails (which looks to have been groomed the night before), we busted fresh powder the whole day! We rode the Contenental Divide, then cut West skirting the edge of Wilderness all the way up into Wyoming. As the day went on, and the further North we went, it became a stuckfest. I was breaking trail with my 154 track and leaving 4 to 6-foot deep ruts for the other guys. I felt like I was riding my sled at a 45-degree angle most of the day. The guys with the 163's where even getting stuck on the flats. On the way back from Hog Park, there was several miles of untracked road that had 3-feet of fresh on them. I had to ride WOT the whole way back to the Colorado border. We got back to SLO around 7 PM running on fumes ...actually three out of six ran out of fuel on the way back, and had to dump our reserves. 68-miles later, and severely dehydrated, Monday became a rest day for me, which was sunny off and on all day and would have been an awesome day to ride. Also, late Sunday a cold front moved in and dropped the temps. Monday was about 10-deg, and today its been hovering around zero most of the day. Another storm is heading this way on Thursday
Need some peeps to confirm my room

Brother Rotax (aka Rave's son)

please confirm

May have some room on the floor if anybody is interested.

We'll figure out the costs once we figure out whois in.
Snow conditions from Weekend of Jan 31st:

Fri - Deep Powder... Epic ride. Broke trail North into Wyoming, over the hood powder was awesome, too deep for any major climbing.

Sat - Good snow, but tracked up everywhere going up to Jackson Bowl, North side of Sand Mtn. Found pockets of untracked powder on the ridge. then rode into California Park. Snow was hard and not the best, plus it's way below average there. Good cornice jumping if you're into that.

Sun - Snow still good on North facing slopes and shaded area's, but with the sun this weekend, the snow is starting to set up. Rode the Contenental Divide, and played all day in our secret powder stashes ...another awesome day!

Forecast: Warm and Sunny all week, no storms predicted. Except for California Park, we have a good base, and average snow depth.
Thanks for the report Zoomie, sounds good. Nice to hear about the deep pow! Great Brian, she'll have fun!

Anybody have some portable tables for the raffle set up they can bring? Maybe some fold up chairs would be handy too. Thanks
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