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Colorado 4M Ride 2009

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mtsun...sounds like some AWESOME gals you will be bringing:D

I just have but one question for you all...

Can I still ride with you if I wear a NMFH?????????????????

Cause it is all I have to wear:eek::eek::eek:
mtsun...sounds like some AWESOME gals you will be bringing:D

I just have but one question for you all...

Can I still ride with you if I wear a NMFH?????????????????

Cause it is all I have to wear:eek::eek::eek:

Sure, I hope that you won't mind getting your picture taken and plastered up all over Snowest in the days following the ride;);):D:D
I will do my best to pose in awesome positions/angles for those pictures...

Probably going to mostly be me diggin myself out with the sweet modular portion of helmet flipped up catching air:D:Dhehe

ill be there if i can get a room reserved, it sounds like a ton of fun, and i should have the new sleds dialed in by then.
You can ride the area from the end of Seedhouse road, North through a bunch of open meadows (I forgot what the area is referred to...boy I'm losing my mind???) and then West over Farwell Mountain and drop into SLO, or you can continue North over Dome Peak, ride the continental divide and then do a dogleg and drop into Big Red Park. Make sure you have extra fuel, especially if your continuing North over Dome and it a powder day.
Hey Bushmaster, FYI Sue Applegate from SLO is leaving at the end of the week. I met the new General Manager for SLO at her going away party, but can't remember his name. I'm sure everyone's reservations are still safe. Has anyone setup arrangements for live music (a band) yet? My old neighbor is in a band, but they mostly play head banging heavy metal, so he might be able to recommend another local band to play a variety of contemporary modern rock as others have suggested.
Thanks for the heads up on the management change Zoomie. Is the the new GM Russ, the hunting guide? Not sure we'll have room for a band. I think we're flirting with the fire code limit as it is. With this group I don't think we'll need a band to keep the entertainment going, but a Karaoke session might provide some good laughs! yuk yuk. I'll call them here soon and go over our details with the new manager.

Just a reminder to everyone that part of our arrangement is that we agreed to pay 50% of our total room cost on January 1st. At that time we'll need to know pretty much how many rooms and for how many nights, so SLO knows what rooms they'll have available to rent to other guests. The excel sheet link in my sig is up to date and shows how the costs break down. :)
I quit my old job last week after I got a better offer, but I haven't started with the new company yet. I am still going to try to plan on going even if only for a day ...

Once I get settled in with my new company I'll see if anyone still has rooms yet once I'm sure I have the time off.

I actually told them that President's Day Weekend was the only thing I really needed off in the forseeable future, they said it wouldn't be a problem, but I need to get some paychecks first too .... :)
With this group I don't think we'll need a band to keep the entertainment going, but a Karaoke session might provide some good laughs!

Especially if Bushy is drinkin. Get him with Akbar and will have a good time:p;):beer;:beer;:beer; I can see it now, a duet with Bushy and Akbar:eek:, you are my sunshine!
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Congrats on the new job Dogmeat. Where ya working now?

Lol Alan, how bout "I touch myself" bwahahahahahahaha.

You can "touch yourself" all you want but if you come a knockin' on my door I might have to whap ya with my modular helmet...and you KNOW how heavy those things are:D:D:D

Talked with SLO today to re-confirm the previous two confirmations.... Russ, whom I talked to a few months ago, is still in charge and our arrangements are still on track. He said they have a few local bands they bring in for around $350 to $450 a night, or they have a Karaoke guy who's pretty cheap. We're also looking at a capacity of around 100 at the lodge/resteraunt for the Sat. night dinner. We'll do a pre-registration for the dinner so we know how many are showing up. I imagine we can deal with the dinner details pretty close to ride time.... If winter even comes this year!!
It'll come Paul! Remember the late start to last year's epic snowfall? 550 inches from right before Christmas to April!
Anyone know the distance from SLO to California Park? I was thinking of riding from my place in Slater Creek to SLO or vice-versa.

You turn East at the top of the divide beetween Slater Park and California Park and it's 14 groomed miles from there. You can also drop into California Park and break over the top to the back side of Jackson's bowl. It's a little farther but a lot more fun.
SNOW??? I sure hope it starts SOON!!!! URGH.........new sled is anxious to get the feel of the white stuff.....
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