Youd have to know the nonsledder mentality of most revy ppl. They are the biggest suckaces you will meet. Sledders bring in TONS of cash to that town, pretty much save it in the winter and all you hear is whining. Our rigs take up all the parking , we scare the 'bou , you cant get parking at the restaurants . They remind me of the farmer who whines all year about his bad crops and when he gets a good one whines about how much work it is to bring in. The towns ppl there have the meca of sledding at thier doorstep and yet this town cant even run a sled shop , if it wasnt for lordco you could barely find a screwdriver in that town. They have the premier sledding event and all they talk about is how to shut it down or limit it. They had the big announcement about approval of the ski hill , saw thier property go up 5x and think they are now living in whistler. Guess again idiots. These nonsledders are about the most annoying ppl I have met. i have NOT met OT yet so there is room to UP the scale.