Great points TB -I'll pick up garbage right beside the next guy......but the fact that you have to pick it up at all is the issue. Its great that we have dedicated folks like you and Neil that will pick it up, but why are people throwing it down in the first place? Its all good that we clean up after, but really there should be no need to have anyone picking up garbage, everyone should be packing out what they pack in. I'm not going to stand on a soapbox or preach to the converted here, I know you guys are not the ones that need to hear it.
I have no problem with telling someone to pick up their trash, problem is, even if you had 500 volunteers, to police and clean up after 4000 sledders is not reasonable IMO. I agree that drinking has become less overall in the past 20 yrs, not just 3-5, but if I was new to sledding and witnessed the BIS, I may have to draw other conclusions.
That being said - I'll gladly volunteer if the organizers need help, but to date I have not seen a request for assistance. If someone knows otherwise, please PM me or send a link.
I totally agree that we need to demonstrate that we support Revy for the long haul, which is my point about making the event sustainable, even if it means less people unfortunately. I think we have to work up to where we were. Maybe this year we start with 1000 people and next year they let in 1500, 2000 the yr after that, etc. I would still like to sled there in 10 yrs and have the community respect sledders. Let's show the local businesses and community that we can hold this event year after year after year without any adverse impacts to the mountain, wildlife and town infrastructure, perceived, inferred or actual. Knowing there is a scheduled event annually attracting 1000+ people makes economic uncertainty a little more certain.
Just some thoughts.